Chapter 5

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"As I lay dying..."

I hear his throaty aggressive rasp. It's sexy as hell and all man. My mind does not want to be attracted to this voice. My body has other plans and my ears are taking it all in. This man can sing. Enjoy his songs, I do not. But god damn I could listen to his voice A-Cappella all night.

If I mentioned one word about this to Layla, she would never let me live it down. I am not a fan of change, and I would never voluntarily listen to this band. I've heard a few of their songs on the radio. Enough to remember who it was and then change the station. Not without Layla displaying those pouty eyes trying to beg me to keep it there.

Whoever said that every band sounds the same live as they do on their albums, are liars. I have never heard an artist sound so much better live on stage, then they do on their songs.

His voice is knocking me down, breaking my musical barriers. Then he opens his mouth to speak rather than sing, and slowly ruins every thought I just had.

"Honey?" I hear, rather than see him. It would be pitch black in here if it weren't for one solo light. That's currently shining on me. I look around, hoping, praying.

Surely, he isn't talking to me.

Anyone else but me.

"Yes, you" he yells.

The lights come on, and he's staring right at me. I stare back. He is pissed. What could I have possibly done, to piss of a complete stranger so much?

"Why don't you get your ass up here on stage?" Not asking, but demanding.

I see a few people walking toward me, his self-appointed minions. I look behind me, to the door. Maybe, just maybe I could make it out before they reached me. I look back to the crowd; Layla is on the outside barrier of people. Still with Benjamin. Her eyes currently pleading with me to just do as asked. She wants me to go.

Fight or flight.

I choose fight. No one is carrying me; I'll walk willingly. I put my feet down flat on the floor and stand up. Looking him in the eye, not to show submission, but to show that I am an equal. Making my way to the stage the crowd of people part a path for me to walk through. I feel eyes on me. Looking up to confirm whom they belong to. It was as I thought. Steele. Glaring holes right through me. A tight smirk playing upon his face. What game is he playing? I ponder maybe this is part of their show. Randomly calling out women from the audience.

So I walk slower. He can wait on me.

I study his face. He is what I would consider beautiful.

My heart is pounding erratically. He runs his hand through his jet black hair. It's falling down in cascading waves slightly shading his eyes. Eyes that I can partially see, staring back at me. A color so magnificent, the ocean blue, but obviously laced with pain, an emotion so intense I can almost feel it pouring out of him and embracing me. With an overwhelming sensation, my breath hitches.

I reach the stairs; one step closer to confronting this brooding stranger. I walk up the steps one at a time. As slowly as possible. He reaches his hand out; I reluctantly grasp it and let him pull me up. Stumbling I fall into him, he catches my fall, my chest landing against his. I can feel he is as affected as I am by this.

His heart is pounding, slowly matching the rhythm of my own. Calm the fuck down Nat, I tell myself.

Correcting myself, standing upright quickly, face reddening. I look behind me and realize that I had forgotten the large mass of people that are also witnessing my humiliation not only at falling into his embrace, but that I was ordered to stand upon this stage. I glance at the band with a help me look. They do not seem surprised that I was called up here, they know exactly what's about to happen.

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