Chapter 21

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Waking up with a start, I look around. I am alone. Of course, it would have been a one-time thing. Why or even how could I have ever thought any different? Set on giving him a piece of my mind, I look around for my cell phone. Finding it, I send a text to Liam, asking him what floor and room Steele is in. Liam replies in seconds seems Ryan's room is right next door. I am not going to let him just walk away from this, what we did. I know it affected him as deeply as it did me.

I could see the truth in his eyes. He was nervous last night. He owned me with his body.

I take a fast shower and then get dressed, making myself presentable enough to argue, I'm sure if I didn't have clothes on we wouldn't be able to settle this. I leave my room and start knocking on his door. No answer. Are you fucking kidding me? He thinks I will leave if he doesn't answer. Think again. I resume my pounding, after minutes the door opens.

My mouth drops, blinking repeatedly, when that doesn't work I pinch myself. This can't be fucking real. My gut churns, nausea running a weave throughout. My heart erratically thumping in my chest and pain, lacing a needle around it. I stutter.

"Is Steele here?" the beautiful brunette answers me.

"Honey, my turn isn't over why don't you come back tomorrow?"

Trying to ignore the fact that she is completely naked, her hair is a fucking mess and her make-up is running. She looks like she was just thoroughly fucked.

By Steele.

I can't even reply. I storm back to my room, not wanting her to see my uncontrollable tears. Grabbing my cellphone, I pull up a travel search website and book a flight home. To Boston. Grabbing my overnight bag and sitting the hotel room keycard on the nightstand. I run. They can send my other clothes after me; I'm not risking a chance at seeing anyone on the bus. I exit the hotel undiscovered, and luckily there is a cab waiting at the exit. I tell the cab driver to take me to Albany International Airport while throwing him some cash.

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