Chapter 8

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Minx. She's a damn minx. For Liam to think that he has to sit me down and remind me that she wasn't here for my cruelty. Like I was the one who threw all of her clothing and undergarments all over the sidewalk. I was trying to be a gentleman. Knowing she and I got off to the wrong start, she and I need to reach some kind of middle ground. How do I expect my plan to work if we don't at least somewhat get along? Maybe if she would give me a chance to redeem myself or let me in a little. I could see how guarded she was that night on stage, how she seems to always remain guarded.

As soon as Liam shut the door to the back bedroom, so she could unpack I presume, he marched over to me and demanded my full attention.

"Ryan, this girl, she's not as strong as we thought she was. You're an intense guy. For someone like her, you seem overbearing. She was fighting tears out there; I had all I could do to not comfort her. Knowing it would have only made the situation worse if I did." He whispers.

"Jesus. You act like I ran over the girls fucking dog. It was an accident. Her bag looked heavy, so I offered to help. I have no care what goes on between you and her. But when she wants marriage and babies don't come crawling to me for advice." I need to get away from this conversation. Unwanted feelings of jealousy are running through me right now.

This girl is in my head, and I need to kick her out. Looking for an escape from this conversation, said Minx interrupts wanting to know where her bed is. Then Liam does exactly what I didn't want him to do. Offers me to show her to her bunk. Dick. Are all of my band mates against me all of a sudden? They are all aware of what my intentions are, and now they are playing protective of her. Standing up I walk away knowing that she will follow.

I show her where my bed is first, then hers, I offered her a few suggestions on what I don't like. Crowded is how she makes me feel, with her coconut smelling golden brown hair and the devastation that lurks behind her facade of a smile she puts on. It makes me want to ask questions. To prevent myself from doing so, I leave the bus. A cigarette is just what I need.

I pull my pack of smokes out and light one up. Exhaling a puff of smoke, I watch the roadies walking in and out of the bus loading their things in. One walking around with a checklist in hand making sure everything is accounted for. Gage stands next to me.

"So that babe from the other night, I see she made it after all." He says eyeing my reaction. Testing me. Almost.

"Not going to discuss her or what happened so leave it alone." I say shutting it down right now.

"All right man, I had to ask. Anyways, I glimpsed our tour schedule but I didn't beat it into my brain. After the Fleet Center what's our next stop? My ma wants to fly in for our second show. She wanted to be at our first, but you know how she hates Boston." Glad he lets me off the hook. Generally, I'm not a man of many words, and I never explain myself to anyone.

I can talk music all day, any day. If it wasn't for the guys I would be a classic shut in emotionally, but they know when I have had enough I close the conversation down. Liam is the only one who always tries to break that barrier. "Our next stop is in Upstate, New York. I'll find out the exact city tonight; I would tell her to get a ticket to Albany, wherever we are would be within a few hours' drive." I answered Gage.

Six hours later, both buses are packed, and our concert starts in about four hours. The guys and I decide to get both of the buses over to the Fleet Center, when we arrive we will order dinner to be delivered, pre-game then sound check. It sounds like a pretty easy to-do list. In actuality, it's one of the most tiring jobs. Once we exit that stage all we want is a hot shower, and a comfortable bed. Sometimes, also an easy woman.

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