♫ Chapter Fifteen: Competition & Riddles... ♫

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Date: April 21st, 2012

Location: Celestial Passion Island; Central Plaza

Time: 1:30 PM

STARISH exited a white van attracting the attention from the crowd of foreign tourists in the plaza. The group entered an elaborate café, upon their entrance a waiter greeted them before leading the band to a private circular leather booth where Yuudai was sitting, looking over a café menu.

"What a surprise. You guys are not late this time. Well, don't just stand around take a seat. I don't have all day," Said Yuudai before handing the menu over to the waiter, "We'll just have six Celestial ice teas and one Passion coffee."

"Would you like anything else, Sir?" Asked the waiter handing out napkins to the band members.

"No thank you."

The waiter bowed politely before leaving. Syo realized that the interior of the café was decorated with expensive objects. The big gold-framed painting of avocadoes, which was on the wall over the booth that he was sitting in with the other members, probably cost more than his academy tuition fee. Red leather booths, black marble tables, large oil paintings, cloisonné vases, a giant circular fish tank in the center of the café, and the waiters who were decked out in blue and silk white uniforms. Everything was expensive. Ittoki's eyes widened a bit when he saw the price for one Celestial ice tea. 5,000 Yen. Even one Passion coffee was double in price. Yuudai tossed six black thick envelopes onto the table, which he withdrew from his black briefcase. Natsuki picked up one of the envelopes that had his name written on the front. Tokiya opened his own envelope finding a white strip of paper with a few words written on it, along with a huge amount of Japanese banknotes. Ren emitted a low whistle upon seeing the amount in his own envelope.

"I've given each of you a large sum of banknotes along with a riddle. The riddles are different from one another. The rules of this game that I'm sending you on are quite simple. First, no help is allowed from any other member in the band. But you may be allowed one clue to your riddle from Asami, since she is the only person beside myself who knows all of the answers to the riddles. Second, the amount of banknotes in each of your envelopes is enough to make the purchase towards what you are searching for. Third, once you have found what you are searching for you will leave your 'answer' with Asami. Do not worry. This game will end on the last day of the school trip," Yuudai glanced at his pocket watch, "But if you haven't found your answer by the end of the school trip, a punishment will be handed out."

STARISH cringed at the thought of punishment being handed out to them by Yuudai. Oh. Boy. The envelopes felt heavier. A moment of truth, the Chinese scion was testing them. Hmm. More likely playing a game of cat and mouse with them. Yuudai smirked; oh he could tell that Ittoki and Syo were feeling a bit uncomfortable. Once their beverages were served from the previous waiter, Yuudai checked the time on his pocket watch.

"Remember this. Act, think, and choose your answers wisely. From what I've told all of you on the first day, I won't be judging you on your physical appearances, but only on your hearing, your eyesight, how intelligent you are, and mainly how well you can sing."

Cue sweat drops. Ha, no more going down the easy path of stardom. The pressure was on. Oh yes, for sure Yuudai was already living up to his nickname, 'Kratos.' Power and Strength, he was already ruling with an iron fist.


Time: 2:10 PM

[Asami's P.O.V]

"Looks like my little sister avoided this crowd. The script for the music video requires a lot of skin ship. I do remember reading that a kiss scene requires chemistry between two lovers. What do you think, Asami? Besides acting on-screen, we could be lovers behind the scenes," Ikuto flirtatiously winked in my direction.

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