♫ Chapter Eleven: Dropping a few hints on an upcoming mini album... ♫

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Disclaimer: I don’t own the lyrics to Jay Chou’s song, ‘Ju Hua Tai.’ I only own my various OC’s and they’re awesome songs.

♫ Chapter Eleven: Dropping a few hints on an upcoming mini album… ♫

Date: April 19th, 2012.

Location: N.J.L Radio Station, somewhere in Shibuya, Tokyo

Time: 1:30 PM

“Good afternoon to all our listeners!!! This is Yuri Tanazi, you’re afternoon radio host for N.J.L. Sit back, relax, and don’t turn that dial for today’s afternoon program. If you do, you’re going to miss out on an interview with one of Japan’s leading female vocalist…Akai SIREN!!! Hold onto you’re hats!!! Akai SIREN is in the building!!! ~ Welcome, Akai SIREN, to station N.J.L.”

“Thank you Tanazi-san. I’m glad to be here.”

“It’s great to finally meet one of Japan’s top female vocalists. How does it feel to be back in Japan, after the grand concert that you performed back in the United States, with your members?”

“Well…I can say that I’m glad to be back at home where I’m more comfortable.”

“Sounds like you had your schedule full when you were in the United States.”

“It was busy, since I was also attending an academy overseas at around the same time the concert was being scheduled. But if I had the chance again I would love to travel back to the United States.”

“Maybe through another concert you could travel to the United States.”

“Ha, ha. That’s true. But at the moment I’ll be busy in completing my first mini album.”

“Akai SIREN, from what I’ve gathered from the articles that were released through Tokyo STARDOM’S website, is that all of the songs on your album were composed and written by yourself. Tell me. What can you’re fans expect through the release of your first mini album? Which is titled, ‘Re – SIREN’, soon to be released on April 30th.”

“Hmm. I guess more of a feminine side to myself. It will be a complete image change that’s for sure. I think more of a wild party nightlife theme. Viewers can expect to see it through the release of one of my music videos, which will be released some time in May.”

“Interesting. It sounds like you’ll be showing more of a mature side through your songs. Is it true that the music video, which you’ll be working on next week, soon to be released next month, that the rest of the members in EKSTASIS will have they’re own cameo’s?”

“You’ve done you’re research well, Tanazi-san. Yes that is correct, the other members in EKSTASIS will also appear in the music video, along with another band.”

“Oooohh…the suspense keeps on building!!! Can our listeners know the name of the other band?”

“Sorry. No. If I let the cat out of the bag, the whole surprise would be spoiled.”

“Awe. I guess our listeners would have to wait patiently for the release of the music video.”

“Ha, ha, ha. Yes, they’ll have to wait over the next few weeks. In the meantime they can visit Tokyo STARDOM’S website, where they’ll find a few audio samples of some of my songs from my upcoming mini album.”

“We’ll take a short break. Listeners don’t touch that dial. When we come back, Akai SIREN will perform Jay Chou’s ‘Ju Hua Tai’ on her Guzheng.”

* ju hua can man di shang ni de xiao rong yi fan huang

The chrysanthemum flower is ruined. Hurt all over the ground. Your smile has already turned yellow.

hua luo ren duan chang wo xin shi jing jing tang

The flowers fall, people are heartbroken. My worries quietly dripping.

bei feng luan ye wei yang ni de ying zi jian bu duan

The north wind is disorderly. The night is not finished yet. Your shadow cannot be cut.

tu liu wo gu dan zai hu mian cheng shuang

Leaving me with loneliness. On the surface of the lake, becoming a couple.

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