♫ OMAKE #4: Bad & Good Memories... ♫

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♫ OMAKE #4: Bad & Good Memories… ♫

Cookies that are baked are meant to be eatable, not to be used as weapons for murder. When Chi baked her first batch of cookies her older brother was close to visiting the pearly gates in heaven. But when Asami baked her first batch of cookies, her uncle was left sobbing in the corner, hurt by the fact that the cookies were only for Yuudai.

~ Memories From The Past ~

There were moments in the Saotome mansion when Asami would be by herself without anyone to play with. Along the way her astraphobia worsened, she started hating the color gray. Entomphobia started for Chi all because of her older older.

~ Memories From The Past ~

On holidays, Asami would spend the days with Yuudai, catching up on her studies or opening fan mail. Chi would spend her holidays by dressing up in various costumes or shopping for the latest designs in fashion.

~ Memories From The Past ~

The question of, “Where do babies come from?”, when Chi found out, the milk that she was drinking ended up all over her older brother’s face. But when Asami found out from one of her educational textbooks, she wondered about the story of her parents, the first time that they had met.

~ Memories From The Past ~

When Chi received her first electric guitar from her uncle, her older brother started wearing earplugs under a pair of earmuffs. But when Asami received her own Guzheng and Erhu from Yuudai, she learned about patience.

~ Memories From The Past ~

Birthdays and presents on any occasion. Chi loved receiving gifts from her uncle and even from her older brother. Attending other people’s birthday parties gave a chance for Chi to over accessorize on her costumes. But for Asami she hated celebrating her birthday. Parties for the insanely rich, the idea of dressing up and mingling with the snobby elite class disgusted her. Asami was more in favor of attending masquerade balls.

~ Memories From The Past ~

At the rebellious stage, Chi would often break curfew when she was in the United States, where she had first met Asami. When Asami was in her rebellious stage, she chose to get a tattoo even though she wasn’t legal of age to do so.

~ Memories From The Past ~

When Chi was almost physically attacked by another female model, her older brother was there to save her. Chi made an oath to herself, that she would never let fame rise to her head. When Asami was almost physically attacked by a group of older boys from another academy, Kyoya Ootori had saved her. The scar across her left cheek, strikes curiosity into the minds of other individuals close to her, those who don’t know the whole story. 

~ Memories From The Past ~

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