♫OMAKE #1: Reading into the mind of Alexander Takahashi, our lovely Hypnos... ♫

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♫OMAKE #1: Reading into the mind of Alexander Takahashi, our lovely Hypnos… ♫

Date: April 12th, 2012.

“Hey birthday boy wake up!!!”

         Ugh…who chooses to enter my dream world uninvited?!? Oh…it’s you, Masumi. Maybe the shade of darkness will shut you out. Hmm. Fluffy. Warm. Comfortable. One baby lamb jumping over a fence, two baby lambs jumping over a clover patch, three baby lambs jumping over a barrel, four…

“Oyy!!! Nocturnal Emperor, wake up!!! ~ If you don’t, I’ll bring in tomatoes that…”

Ok, ok…I’m up!!! Oh so very sleepy. Annoying little twerp. I should’ve known that he would barge into my room. Sleepy. Sleepy. Sleepy. That’s odd. I don’t remember leaving a bunch of packages on my bed. Wait a minute. One red, two blue boxes, one purple, and another one wrapped in black and blue paper…I think I know now…going to sleep sounds a lot better right now. Why doesn’t the Hot-shot leave early for his class?!?

“There’s another package in the living room, Alex. It was too big to be placed on your bed. I think it’s from your Cousin Eugene, since it came directly from New York by air mail…”

         Do you ever stop talking? How I put up with you, even after all these years…I don’t even know myself. Maybe if I wrap my black fleece scarf around my ears…right now…I can get back to my sweet little dream world.

“…and that one is from me. Oh, you should open it!!!”

         No use. I can still hear Masumi’s energetic voice. Birthdays…bah!!! But then again the occasion are a cause for celebration.

“Ah. Hnn. A Kat - Tun cd. Thank you, Masumi.”

“I knew you’d like it. It’s they’re most recent one.”

“Hnn. You…know my tastes very well.”

“Of course I would. Well I’ll see you later. Ringo-sensei will get angry at me again if I’m late for gym class.”

“Hurry…up then.”

         A Kat – Tun cd from Masumi, traditional Chinese wooden flute from Asami, a baseball glove from Yoshio, headphones from Yoshi, and a pair of funky socks from Chi. Hmm. Great gifts. I’ll have to thank them later. Sleepy. Sleepy. Sleepy. One baby lamb jumping over a fence, two baby…

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