♫ Chapter Twenty-Two: Relax and Plan Ahead...- ♫

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Disclaimer: AkaiShadowBaneOrchid does not own Bisco Hatori's OHSHC characters and anything related to UtaPri.

A/N: I only own my various OC's and their songs.

Date: April 26th, 2012

Time: 1:05 PM

"Warm rays of the sun, clear blue sky, smell of the calm ocean, and no signs of screaming fans."

Asami smiled, resting her elbows on the black steel railing along the upper deck of Kyoya's yacht. She was dressed in a plain white yukata this time. Her hair was still dyed scarlet, but the extensions had been taken out. The incident last night didn't bring her down. She was glad that Haruka was positive person. Everything that had almost became a nightmare for the young composer was already placed in the past. However the news had caught up to Yuudai Huang. Asami sighed, thinking about the previous night. The anger in Yuudai's voice, cold expression in his eyes, and most of all...- his intimidating aura. Asami couldn't blame him for being so angry. He would always be her Kratos. At least he had hired a pair of professional bodyguards for Haruka. Although she had no clue as to which company they worked for, it was wise to not think about it. Yuudai did have 'other' connections, which she didn't know of. For now, Haruka could spend her last few days on the island under protection. Asami flexed her right hand; the bruise [from when she had punched the male in the throat] was still there, on her knuckles. An awful color of bluish-purple, even though she had Yuudai give her medical treatment last night, her hand was still sore. Served her right for acting as one of the three musketeers, just to save a damsel in distress. She sighed. Relaxation is what she needed, since she was a guest on Kyoya's yacht. The island was few miles away, somewhere in the East direction. Asami spotted a few dolphins a few feet away, probably curious of the yacht.

"Beautiful. I heard from the captain that the dolphins nearby are quite friendly," Kyoya said taking his spot next to Asami. She noticed that he wasn't wearing his usual shirt and pants, instead he was dressed in a blue yukata.

"Sounds lovely, but does that mean the dolphins allow humans to pet them?" Asami asked, "You know there's no way I would allow myself to be bitten by a dolphin and left armless."

"Don't worry Asami, their not killer dolphins," Kyoya slightly smiled, "I've been here before, once with Len Tsukimori and Tamaki. We even went swimming with the dolphins."

"You never told me that. The way you two acted, I thought that this was your first time visiting the island."

"I didn't? Oh...- now I remember, that time when I came here to take a vacation it was a year ago. Tamaki dragged his cousin along with us. Those two are quite the opposite."

"Ha, I could say the same for you," Asami smiled.

"As I was saying...- the Len, Tamaki, and myself came here for a vacation. I had hoped to chat with Len about a few ideas for fundraising money towards a certain musical society," Kyoya chuckled, " Only in the end Tamaki had this crazy idea of his."

"What sort of crazy idea?" Asami asked, mainly out of curiosity.

"Well, Tamaki thought that he could ride on the back of a dolphin," Kyoya smirked, "The idea was far-fetched. His cousin and I knew it beforehand when one of the dolphins fought back and bit him in the ass."


Time: 1:25 PM

No wonder Asami avoided walking through Central Plaza in the daytime. In most of the cafes and stores, there were cardboard cutouts and posters of Asami endorsing a brand name product. There were even a few products that were endorsed by a few members in EKSTASIS, displayed in beauty shops. Nanami looked over a soda can placed on a shelf in a convenience store. The soda can displayed Natsuki's smiling face on the front. It was nice to see one of her classmates endorsing a brand name beverage. She placed the soda can in a basket before heading over to the next aisle. Her assigned bodyguards were patiently waiting outside of the store for her.

"Oh hey...- Nanami-chan, are you here to purchase sweets too?" Asked Masumi, ignoring a group of females who were whispering to each other about Ekstasis's Mercury.

"Yes. Chi's not with you?"

"That Aoi Vixen is with her brother. The others are at the beach with Yuudai," Masumi placed a pack of water bottles into his basket, "I was sent here to get refreshments."

"No one else offered to help out?" Haruka browsed through a freezer before selecting a few ice-cream bars.

"Not really," Masumi sighed, "I was the only one since I lost against the twins in a game of beach soccer."

"Don't worry," Haruka gave a reassuring smile, "One day you'll win against those two."

"Hmm...- maybe," Masumi picked up a tube of wasabi and a pack of Oreo cookies, "But I'll get those two back."

Haruka sweat dropped. Oh boy, that evil look in Masumi's eyes, the talented DJ already had a prank planned out.


Time: 8:45 PM

Ren walked down the white cobblestone path. He was on his way back from finding the answer to his riddle. The 'Silver Tree' turned out to be a jewelry store. In the store he found the set of three tigers, which could be worn. A blue, gold, and red tiger eye pendant that went along with a silver necklace chain. Beautiful. Ren had to give Yuudai credit for his taste in jewelry. The Chinese scion also had an excellent taste in fashion. However, Ren still disliked Yuudai. Now there was another person in the picture, Kyoya Ootori. That calculating, cold, and sly vice president was just another obstacle blocking Ren's path to get closer to Asami. Ren knocked on a cabin door, only to have Chi answer. There were a few insulting words thrown between the two, before Ren had the door slammed in his face.

"~Temper, Temper. I guess I'll have to find another way to chat alone with the enchanting siren." 

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