♫ Chapter Twenty-five: 'Hate - Love' or 'Love - Hate' Relationships...- ♫

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Time: 11:41 AM

"This place is huge!!!" Exclaimed Yoshio, "Holy shit!!! Look at the sizes of those whales!!!"

"Watch your language little brother," Scolded Yoshi, "We're not the only ones visiting the aquarium."

"Asami chuckled, "I'm sure Yoshio didn't mean to let the 's-word' drop. Relax Yoshi."

"Yeah Yoshi, relax. You're sounding more like mom each day," Smirked Yoshio.



Asami shook her head. The twins were the complete opposite of each other. Already their love – hate relationship starting to show through their personalities. But they were quite a contrast against their distant cousins, the Hitachiins. The three walked along the large passageway, observing various underwater species swimming in large tanks, which were kept behind huge floor – ceiling glass windows. Yoshi jumped back from surprise, when a loggerhead turtle swam a few feet away from the group. He never favored turtles since they reminded him of an angry bald man, toothless to be exact. Yoshio laughed, thinking back to the incident that had occurred yesterday at the zoo. Asami observed a Caribbean reef shark swimming among the coral reef. The real reef was full of colors. Vibrant and full of life. Brain corals, fire corals, lace corals, sea whips, sea grapes, and so much more.

"Yikes!!!" Exclaimed Yoshi, the reef shark in the tank was feeding on a Pacific lionfish, "I wouldn't want to be in such a situation. Look at the size of the teeth!!!"

"Predator and the innocent prey. Hmm...- the shark looks like he's acquired a new taste," Said Yoshio.

"It's a complete food chain," Asami said, opening her own copy of the aquarium map, "How about we visit the jellyfish zone, before heading off to the Pearl Dome???"

"Let's visit the B&W zone instead. I want to see the Black Widow Tetras," Said Yoshio.

"Ok, ok. Fine," Asami sighed, "But only for five minutes."

"Eh...-why?!?" Whined Yoshio.

"Idiot, don't you want to be an excellent sempai for your kouhai's?!?"

"Asami, the only way that they'll learn by themselves, is to adapt quickly in unfamiliar surroundings. It's not like they're in need of our help."




Time: 12:10 PM

"Cut!!! Wrong again!!!" Shouted J.J, running his hands through his dark brown hair. It was clear to everyone around him that he was completely frustrated about the scene, "Mr. Jinguji...- we're not trying to flirt with our viewers!!! Remember you're acting as a mysterious water god in your own underwater paradise. Ignore the cameras!!! At least pretend as though the cameras don't even exist. Act mysterious...- not flirtatious!!!"

Ren sighed. The director of the underwater photo shoot was looking like a raging bulldog every minute, barking out orders and insults once in a while. J..J was very picky with the results towards the results of the solo shots. Since it was Ren's turn for a solo shoot, the director wanted him to portray a completely different side to his personality. J.A stood by the edge of the pool, while her brother was chatting with the rest of STARISH. The crew was on standby, waiting for the photo shoot to continue. Time was slowly ticking by for them. Yuudai walked up to the edge of the pool.

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