♫ Chapter Ten: Wedding pictures, a Secret, & a Mysterious Individual... ♫

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♫ Chapter Ten: Wedding pictures, Holding onto a Secret, & a Mysterious Individual… ♫

Disclaimer: I don't own UtaPri and any other merchandise. I only own my various OC’s and the lyrics to they’re songs.

♫ Chapter Ten: Wedding pictures, Holding onto a Secret, & a Mysterious Individual… ♫

Date: April 17th, 2012

Location: Yoyogi Koen Park

Time: 10:45 AM

Ai Mikaze, the senior of Syo Kurusu and Natsuki Shinomiya from the previous year at S.S.A, stood near one of the ponds in the spacious Western styled park, watching the cast, crew, and the photographer for the photo shoot, hard at work. He had arrived with Ranmaru Kurosaki, on the dot of 10:00 AM for the ‘Bridal Fantasy’ photo shoot. Earlier on the set the cast and crew had followed orders by the photographer to have everything ready. Chi had styled Asami’s hair and even filled in the role as her makeup artist. Haruka Nanami was on standby watching the whole process. Ai and Ranmaru were both whisked away to a tent, changing into their own assigned tuxedos. By the time the two had exited the tent ready for the photo shoot, Asami was already getting her picture taken. Asami wore a short backless dress, light pink in color. The wedding dress that she wore matched the bouquet she held in her right hand. Makeup was light in application, her hair was let down but slightly wavy on either side of her face. But her lotus tattoo on the back of her right shoulder was fully exposed to the audience. Nanami was shocked to see that the enchanting SIREN had been inked. A shade of red dusted Nanami’s cheeks, only to have Chi pat her on the shoulder. Ranmaru stood beside Asami, getting their pictures taken. The tuxedo that he wore was black and silver, matching the rock and roll personality of his. Silver studs were embedded along the front of his collar. Ai’s tuxedo was quite the opposite in color, light blue and white. Ai wore a light blue bow tie matching the handkerchief in the front pocket of his tuxedo jacket, which was white just like the pants he wore.

“Great, Kurosaki-san!!!” Exclaimed the photographer, “Now I’d like you to walk alongside Lee-chan…excellent, now both of you hold hands. Yes!!! Great, now act as though you two are watching the sun rise…good, good!!!”

After a few more flashes from the camera the photographer told Ranmaru that he was finished with his photo shots. Ai was called up next. The photographer told him to sit on a park bench beside Asami.

“Now Lee-chan, I’d like you to rest your head on Mikaze-san’s shoulder. Close your eyes as though you’re sleeping. Mikaze-san…please smile. Remember, I want to capture a photograph that illustrates a sweet moment of a newlywed couple.”

Ranmaru gave a snort towards what the photographer had said to Ai. Yeah right. As if Ai Mikaze could smile for a picture. Ranmaru headed over to the tent, excusing himself from the photo shoot. He could do with some sleep.

~         EKSTASIS         ~         EKSTASIS         ~         EKSTASIS         ~         EKSTASIS         ~

Location: S.S.A Daycare

Time: 12:35 PM

“Pirate…I wanna be one!!!”

“No…Cowboys and Indians!!!”

“Fairies…all the pretty dresses!!!”

“Read book!!! Read book!!!”

“I wanna play tea party!!!”

         Huge class. Children. Mixed age range. Demanding. Pulling. Screaming. Crying out loud when least expected. Energetic. Tokiya and Syo were the only ones in all of STARISH who were having trouble with the youngsters. Tokiya was becoming exhausted from running back and forth in between classrooms helping the Daycare teachers tending to babies. Already his white shirt was caked with baby food and those dreaded pee stains. Syo was already being picked on. A couple of kids had tied him to a broom stick telling him that he was a princess waiting to be rescued by a prince on horseback. Dragon? Oh yes, there was a dragon, a stuffed toy. Ren had no problems; already he was reading the fairytale of ‘Snow White’ to a group of young girls, ages 4-6. Hijirikawa was teaching another group on how to create an origami hat. Outside of the daycare, Natsuki was with Ittoki playing a game of soccer with the rest of the youngsters. Carefree. Happy. Energetic. Yuudai stood at the entrance of the room watching the members who were struggling with the youngsters. A few days before, Yuudai had signed STARISH up for this babysitting job. He had observed each member; mainly what would make them break down under pressure. By choosing to stand in the background while complete chaos goes on, Yuudai managed to find out a few of they’re secrets. One of the secrets came as a surprise to Yuudai. Who would’ve known that Otoya Ittoki was the son of Shining Saotome? ~ It’s such a small world full of endless secrets to be discovered. There was a huge resemblance between the two. Upon discovering the secret, Yuudai decided that he would break the news to Asami, when the time would be right. For now he would keep a closer eye on Otoya Ittoki. Even though the two were cousins, Yuudai would not let Otoya become an obstacle in Asami’s life.

~         EKSTASIS         ~         EKSTASIS         ~         EKSTASIS         ~         EKSTASIS         ~

Location: S.S.A; Main gymnasium

Time: 2:45 PM

Yoshio Watanabe dribbled the basketball while running past a few of his classmates that were on the other team. The calling and shouting of names were heard throughout the Saotome gymnasium. Other students, who had come early to watch the game, sat on the red and white bleachers. Most of the female students in the bleachers were focusing they’re attention on the younger Watanabe twin. The eldest didn’t take notice of the huge crowd, since he was preoccupied at the moment in blocking another player.

“~Like bee’s to honey. I’ll probably be the death of them,” Thought Yoshio slightly smirking.

A loud cheer erupted from the bleachers when Yoshio had dunked the basketball through the hoop before the last buzzer went off. The game was finally over. Yoshio and his classmates including his older brother had won the game. Hi-fives and friendly congratulations were exchanged between the two teams. Now that the game was over the boys headed over to the locker rooms. Everything was quiet afterwards the students had left the gymnasium. Someone walked out from behind the black curtains that led to the backstage storage room.

“Interesting, those two are quite the opposite. The other members in EKSTASIS will bring STARISH to a whole new level. Shining Saotome was right. Maybe I’ll stick around for a few more months,” Thought this mysterious individual as he slipped backstage once more. 

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