OMAKE #6: Valentines Day from the past...-

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[February 2006, Valentines Day]

Location: Shanghai, China; Huang Mansion

Time: 6:00 AM

Asami rolled around in the bed sheets. She was asleep in one of the guest bedrooms, off in her dreamland. The young teenager murmured once in a while about 'doughnuts' and her bothersome 'uncle.' Suddenly there was a slight tapping sound against the balcony window, forcing her to wake up. Asami rubbed her eyes slightly before turning her attention to the sound. What. The. Hell?!? The flirtatious saxophonist was standing behind the balcony door, a smirk across his face, holding a white rose. Asami realized that Ren was dressed casually, even though his hair was sort of a mess, but that didn't bother her.

"Ren, do you realize what time it is for you to come sneaking up to the mansion?!?" Asami whispered harshly, letting him in, since the weather was slightly freezing from last night's rainstorm, "George and Sei-kun are totally going to freak out once they find out that..."

"I know. Sorry about waking you up so early," Apologized Ren before handing the white rose over to her, "Here...- a rose for a rose."

Asami sighed, placing the white rose on the nightstand, "Dear. God. Ren, thanks for the rose but seriously go back to the hotel. Even though Yuu-chan is not here at the moment, one of the maids could still kick you out of this mansion."

"They wouldn't dare," Smirked Ren before taking a seat on the edge of Asami's bed, "After all I'm your friend and friends always keep each other company no matter how early it is in the morning."

"I give up," Asami headed back to her bed, pulling the covers up to her shoulders, "You can stay as long as you want. But if one of the maids catches you, I'm not backing you up."

Ren chuckled, lying beside Asami; he ran a finger through a strand of her hair, "I won't be caught. Besides I only came here to wish you a 'Happy Valentines Day.' I felt that I should give you my gift before Hijirikawa comes to visit you."

"So that's the reason as to why you sneaked onto the balcony," Asami slightly yawned, "Anyways it was nice of you to present me with the rose, even though its traditional for females to give males a present on Valentines day. You know I do have a present for you."

"You do?" Ren smiled, his eyes lighting up in curiosity.

Asami gave a roll of her eyes, "Don't get your hopes up. You're not the only one who's getting a Valentines present. I prepared gifts for the maids, Masato, and Yuu-kun."

"Oh...- I see," Ren's expression slightly faltered.

Asami chuckled, "I told you not to get your hopes up."

"I wasn't getting my hope up," Mumbled Ren, even though his expression was saying the opposite.

"Ren...- s-sorry if I teased you," Asami pouted pulling at hem of his white shirt, "You know that you're a favorite person in my life."

Ren smirked, clearly uplifted from her words, "Oh. Really, how much do you like me?"

"Jeez, you're such a tease," Asami pushed him off her bed instantly, only to have him emit a loud chuckle, "I can't see why I always put up with you."

Ren climbed back onto the bed, "It's because you like me. Now...- about that gift."

"Gift...- oh, right. Eh...- you actually want your gift right now?!?"

"Of course," Smiled Ren, "Now is the perfect moment to present me my gift."

She smiled, "I guess your right. Wait patiently...- I'll be right back."

Asami jumped off her bed, heading over to the huge walk – in closet, once inside she grabbed a large square black box wrapped nicely in a orange bow off one of the shelves, before heading back to her bed.

"Don't laugh at what I bought for you," Asami said, placing the box on the bed in front of Ren, "I had a very hard time in selecting a gift for you, since you don't like chocolate that much. But once I saw this in a store, I knew that this would be perfect for you. You should count this as your birthday present."

Ren smiled. So Asami had remembered that it was his birthday, including the fact that he disliked the taste of chocolate. He gently tugged at the orange bow before taking the lid off the box.

"A professional dartboard," Ren slightly smirked picking up a leather case, which contained a set of six expensive darts, before running his fingers across the surface of the dartboard, "You know me too well."

"I'm glad that you like it," Asami rolled over on her side, so that her back was facing Ren. Her arms were wrapped around a panda plushie, "Now...- let me go back to my dreamland."

Ren smiled, lying beside Asami, he wrapped an arm around her waist, "My sweet rose, you always surprise me. Shall we go on a date once the clock strikes noon???"

No use. Asami was already fast asleep. Ren sighed. The timing was totally off. He yawned, closing his eyes, soon enough he fell asleep. 

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