♫ Chapter Five: All the Scions in the academy, feel the tension in the air!!! ♫

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Date: April 7th, 2012.

Time: 8:00 AM

Early on a Saturday morning, Asami was decked out in a casual outfit consisted of a red t-shirt quoting, “Hate too love me. Love too hate me.”, and a pair of white jeans. Although she wasn’t wearing her combat boots this time, instead she wore a pair of black worn out sneakers. On a day like this when she didn’t have classes to attend, she chose to dress casually and well, very comfortably. Her hair was back to its slightly spiky style since Chi had gelled it around 7:30 AM, before leaving for her own class. Asami had whined that Chi didn’t need to fuss over her hair. But as usual Chi had told her “a ladies hair is most important.” Knowing Chi too well, it was useless to keep up the whining act. Wandering a hallway aimlessly, Asami instantly heard voices coming from a music room. The voices definitely belonged to STARISH. Sure enough it sounded as though the voices were angry. It wasn’t that Asami had meant to listen in, since the door was halfway open.

“Jinguji, because of you our new manager has already attained a bad impression of the group.”

“~Now, now. Hijirikawa its useless to…”


Deciding that it was time to intervene, she entered the music room, startling the whole group. Asami had her eyes on the two scions, her expression half sarcastic and half serious.

“If you two want to start a fight go outside. Way too loud. For sure other students can probably hear the bickering.”

There was a gap of awkward silence. Finally, Otoya spoke up.

“G-good morning, Asami-sempai.”

“Please…just call me, Asami. Drop the ‘chan’ and the ‘sempai’. Anyways-good morning. Er…awkward. Now why are those two over there were scrapping like alley cats???”

Tokiya frowned, “Akai-sempai didn’t your uncle tell you that he…”



“Saotome-san, you and I need to talk!!!”

Disruptive entrance. No sign of the principal sitting behind the desk. Only Yuudai Huang sat in the principal’s chair, looking over the profiles of STARISH. Asami sighed, taking a seat in a recliner, which was located next to the desk.

“Asami, your uncle isn’t here. If you’re wondering where he went off to, it just so happens that he left last night, right after we discussed business,” Said Yuudai before pouring a cup of tea for Asami.

“Oh…~ well then I’ll just…”

“He won’t be back soon. He’s gone overseas.”

Overseas, where too?!?”

“Canada. Not for business but for a relaxing vacation…don’t give me that look. I know what your thinking, so no. I don’t have any knowledge to when Saotome-san will come back.”

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