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Jase's POV
I woke up with a slight headache. Least it's not the pounding I'm use to. I took something to ease it and got dressed. I stepped out and stretched. I saw her across the lot.

She looked beautiful in the early morning light. I went straight to the stalls. More like I met her there.

Rylin's POV
I got to the stalls and saw Jase leaning between both of my stalls. I came closer and he spotted me. A smile lit up his face. He did look good with a smile on his face.

"Good morning." He greeted. "Morning." I said as I opened Blaze's stall. I gave him water and let him eat. Then gave Dixie her breakfast and water.

I cleaned the stalls out with his help. We walked to the trailer for two hackamores and my extra saddle. Then went back and tacked the horses up.

He put the saddle and a hackamore on Blaze while I saddled Dixie. "Would you go for breakfast?" He asked. "As long as it's not McDonald's." I told him.

"Then why don't we ride there. On horseback. They know the rodeo is in town so why not show them a few rodeo stars." He said leading Blaze out.

I finished up with Dixie and led her out. I fixed Blaze's hackamore showing Jase how to put it on correctly. He nodded and followed me.

"It's been a while since I've had to actually tack up a horse. Saddles are one thing. Bridles and hackamores are another story." I giggled at his small rant.

"Come on I'm hungry." I said mounting my horse. He followed pursuit and we rode to the nearest diner. Several people were taking pictures as we rode up.

Jase tipped his hat at a few women as we stopped. He dismounted first and I followed. We tied them to a safe place where we could see them and traffic wouldn't bother or hurt them.

We walked up to the door and he held the door for me. I took my hat off and so did he. We sat down in a booth and ordered what we wanted to drink.

"So how's your cousin?" He asked. "I don't know. He called last night and didn't say anything about his condition." I replied. "I'm not trying to be hateful or anything but with him gone and me actually becoming sober I could probably win this year. Because most of the cowboys are ones that really don't care if they make it or not." He told me.

I shrugged. "In my opinion most of them are douches. Not that you are just most." I replied. He chuckled. I looked at him oddly. His green eyes were lit up and the smirk on his face said several things. That's another thing I noticed. His eyes switch between blue and green.

One was he found amusement in my comment. "You might need to stick around me when we stroll or ride." He said.

Our breakfast came out a few minutes later. We ate in silence then stood up to pay. "Why don't you go out and check on the horses while I pay." He told me.

"But what if I want to pay." I said. "I don't let ladies pay for their food." He replied. I crossed my arms over my chest. "And why not?" I asked. He sighed but didn't answer.

We walked out after he paid for breakfast. Once we got to the horses we untied them and mounted. I rode Dixie down the side of the road. Jase lagged back on Blaze a few steps.

Once we got back he took care of Blaze. He untacked him and brushed him down. I watched as I untacked and brushed Dixie. He took his time as he brushed my horse.

I gave Dixie some water before cleaning the stall. Jase gave Blaze more water and cleaned his stall out.

Maybe I've got a chance with him.

Triple R Love: book 6 of theTriple R series Where stories live. Discover now