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Belton, TX

I pulled into the grounds and parked the trailer. Jase and I unloaded the horses before he pulled me to him. "Did I mention that I love you Mrs. Hunter?" He asked. "Did I mention that I love you Mr. Hunter?" I asked. He kissed me pulling me to him. He then took me into the trailer.

My alarm went off for us to start getting ready for tonight. I silenced it before getting back to my husband. "I've got to ride tonight baby." He said. "I know." I said before kissing him. He got out of the bed and got dressed. I watched as he pulled his underwear up then his jeans.

He looked back at me. "I'll let you undress me after I ride." He said before kissing me. He grabbed a shirt and put it on. Then his chaps and vest. I got dressed in jeans and one of my shirts before my boots.

I walked with him to the chutes before going to the side. I watched as he got ready to ride. As he got on the bull I was grabbed and dragged from the arena. I put up a huge fight. I elbowed the person in the nose before I was able to turn and see who it was.

Alex Trusey. "Your going to come with me no matter what your husband thinks." He said grabbing his nose. I stood my ground. He took a step closer. My fist was balled up ready for me to take a swing. He took another step closer. My knee came up quick and hard to his groin. He dropped to his knees. I then punched him hard before going back to find Jase.

Most of the cowboys know I'm married and who I'm married to. Jase just came back from the ring. He hugged me tightly. "Did you see me ride him?" He asked enthusiastically. I shook my head against his chest.

He pulled me away from the crowd. "What happened baby?" He asked. "Alex Trusey." I said. "He didn't hurt you did he?" Jase said worriedly. I shook my head. "But he tried." Jase said. I nodded.

He took me back to the trailer and showed me love once more. Making me forget what Alex tried to do to me.

I cut around each barrel perfectly before letting Gambler sprint. After a brief surgery he was now a gelding. After crossing the line I slowed him down and dismounted. I cooled him down and bedded him down for the night. In the crowd I could see Max sitting there. I texted Jase letting him know that his father was in the audience.

He told me to go back to the trailer quickly and lock the door. I went back almost running. I got there quickly unlocking the door. I knew Jase had a key to it so he didn't have to knock.

As I was about to go in I was grabbed and dragged to the back of the trailer. The back was opened. I was thrown into the back then a door closed shut. I stayed quiet for a bit. Then remembered I still had my phone.

I reached for it in my pocket not finding it. That's when I panicked. I looked out the window not seeing anyone. I beat on the sides trying to get out. I grabbed a bucket throwing it at the window. Curse the bars on the window.

I screamed. I made as much noise as I could. By the time I realized no one was around I had put dents into the trailer side. I looked out the window towards the arena it will be close to another hour before anyone will come this way.

I watched as the rodeo went on wondering where Jase was. I finally saw someone walking. It was a bunch of cowboys. I started banging on the side of my trailer. Two of them broke off from the group coming this way.

I kept it up until the back was opened. I thanked them before asking if they knew if Jase was still at the arena. "Thought I saw him heading through the stalls." The first one said. "Yeah he was headed this way. Anyone you see who might have stopped him?" The second said.

"I saw his father and I know Alex Trusey would do something." I said. "I saw Alex heading this way." The first said. "He could have stopped Jase."

My phone started ringing. I found it under the trailer. Then answered it. "Hello?"
"Is this Mrs. Rylin Hunter?" A voice said.
"This is she."
"Your husband is down here at the police station. He was in the middle of a fight with two other men. One older and the other about his age."  The man said.
"I'll be down there in a few minutes." I said before asking for directions.

I thanked those guys before locking my trailer up thankful he's not dead yet. I found the police station according to the directions got out with my wallet hoping I had enough bail money on me.

I went in and said why I was there. The lady at the front desk called an officer up to take me back. When one did she explained why I was here. He led me back to a holding cell.

"Mr. Hunter. Your wife is here." Jase didn't look up. "May I go in?" I asked. The officer unlocked the cell door letting me in. I crouched down in front of him putting my hands on his knees. He didn't respond like I thought he would.

"Jase." He finally looked up at me. He had a busted lip and a black eye. There were bruises forming on his cheeks. "Would you like to tell me what happened?" I asked. "So you can tell those officers?"

"Your the one that looks worse than they do. They think you got ganged up on and want your side of it." I said. "They did gang up on me." He said wanting to put his head down. "Two to twelve guys saw you walking towards the trailer. Trusey locked me up in the animal holding. I was there for nearly two hours wondering where you were and then a group of nearly twelve cowboys came into view.

"Two told me that they saw you walking back. Jase I'm not stupid to think that you would be going somewhere else than straight to me. They even asked if there was someone out to get you. I then realized that you could have been badly injured or even dead." I told him.

I knew the officer was listening. "How exactly did they get you?" I asked him. "Alex came out of nowhere and slammed me against the closest trailer. I didn't know what was happening until he grabbed me holding me still while my father pummeled me." He said.

"He must have known that you could have whooped him after working on the ranch. He knew he had to have a guy close to your strength to hold you down." I said.

"I don't wanna be here anymore." He said wanting to break. I kissed his bruising cheeks before going over to the officer. "May I take him with me tonight?" I asked him. "Let me see what his bond is." The officer said.

The officer went to the front before coming back. "Since he was involved and didn't fight back he won't have to be brought to court over the matter. The bail for him is seventy dollars." The officer said.

"I can pay that." I said. The officer ordered Jase to get up and stand still while he cuffed him for safety. I paid the bail at the front desk and left with my husband.

We got to the trailer and went inside. I had him sit down so I could doctor his face. He broke down then. I quickly went to him. I kissed his forehead several times holding his head to my chest. "Your alright babe. The season will be over with before you know it. The chances are that they won't be out of that jail until after their trials." I said trying to calm him.

I kissed his forehead once again before grabbing the ice packs and a wet rag. "Come here babe." I let him to the bedroom and had him lay down. I put the ice packs on his cheeks having him hold them.

I then cleaned his lip and face up making it look better than it was. I kissed his forehead once more before letting him sleep.

Triple R Love: book 6 of theTriple R series Where stories live. Discover now