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I sat down next to Jase as his nephews continued to ask him questions. "Jase." His grandmother called him. "One minute boys." He said standing up. He walked into the kitchen leaving me with his nephews.

Jase's POV

"Yes Grammie?" I said as I saw her brewing a pot of coffee. "What is her last name?" She asked. "Why does it matter?" I asked. "You remember being told how obsessed your father became with Hedli Ray don't you?" She asked. "Yes I do. And he was in prison for years for doing certain stuff to her.

"I'm not even like him. Never have and never will." I told her. "If her last name is Ray than your father will definitely be going after her. Whether Colt Ray is her father or uncle he will be going after her.

"I know from experience that their both wonderful people and will welcome you into their lives just because your nice and generous." She said. "Her last name is Ray. Colt is her uncle. I'm not wanting to stir anything up between the families. She was nice to me so I'm being nice to her." I said.

"Your lucky your father isn't going to be in town until Christmas. If he heard any of that he would have already almost killed her." She said. I nodded. "I understand." I said. "Please don't let him hurt that sweet girl. Her grandmother and I have stayed in touch. Please don't hurt her either, no matter how strong you think she may be." She said before letting me go.

Rylin's POV

I looked up to see Jase coming back into the living room. "Are you ready to get back to the fair grounds?" He asked. "Sure." I said standing. We left the house and got in my truck. Something was different about him than before his grandmother talked to him.

Once we got back he gave me my keys and got out. I got out as he was getting his chaps and vest. He walked off away from my truck and trailer. I went inside and showered then left a note on the counter for him. I got into my bed and pulled the covers up over me. The door opened then slammed shut.

I heard the crumple of paper before the door to the bathroom closed. I rolled over to face the doorway. The shower turned on. A few minutes after it turned off I watched as he stepped out with just a towel around his waist.

I didn't stir until I thought he was laying on the couch. I got up and snuck in the living area. He was wide eyed and staring at the ceiling. "I know your there." He said. I walked back to my bed and laid back down. Then fell asleep.

A loud yell woke me. I got out of bed and went into the living area. Jase was sitting up breathing deeply. I went over to him and sat down. "Jase? Are you ok?" I asked. He put his head in his hands rubbing his face. "Jase?" He lifted his head. Then looked over at me.

"I'm sorry if I woke you." He said. "You don't have to apologize for anything." I said. "Only for who my father is." He said. "I'm not worried about that. I've got all boy cousins except for one girl cousin. My uncles and cousins both know how to make someone pay for hurting a woman or girl. They won't even try to hurt you as long as you've done nothing to me or any other woman." I said moving closer and laying my head on his shoulder.

He scooted away. "I don't want to hurt you." He said. "Your not going to." I said moving closer. "How do you know? My father was the one that helped almost kill your aunt." He yelled. "Because your not like him. You don't look at women as objects. You would rather be in a relationship than be single with a new girl every night. That says something about you." I said.

"And yet I got my last relationship ended with me getting drunk because I wouldn't give her what she wanted. All she wanted was sex. And I didn't want to do it." He said.

"Then she wasn't right for you. If she actually did want to keep the relationship and make it last she would have waited until you both were ready." I said leaning against him. He put an arm around me and kissed my temple.

"That's what keeps me around you. You always know what to say and when to say it." He said before kissing my cheek. Could he get any nicer. "Let's get to sleep we have a big night tomorrow." He said before standing up.

I followed suite. "That couch is hard as a rock. Why don't you sleep on the other side of the bed." I said. He shyly smiled at me. I walked back to the bed and got in on my side.

He slowly got in on the other side. I laid on my left side facing him. He had his back turned to me. Part of his tattoo showed from above the covers. I moved a little closer tracing part of it. He tensed up at my touch.

Then relaxed as I continued. He rolled onto his back putting it out of my reach. Once I was close enough again he rolled onto his back pulling me to him in the process. "Do you like my tattoo or something?" He asked. "I think it's cool." I told him.

His arms held me as close to him as possible. I snuggled into his side. He sighed after finally ending up on his side with his head in my hair.

Triple R Love: book 6 of theTriple R series Where stories live. Discover now