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I pulled a new pair of jeans on and put my new belt on with my latest buckle. I put a tank top on over my sports bra and pulled on a sponsor shirt already with my back number on it. I buttoned it up and tucked it and the tank top in then buttoned my jeans and fastened my belt. I French braided my hair and tied it off. Then put my my straw hat on with the new pair of boots.

Then opened my door a crack. I peeked out at Jase as he got dressed. I spotted a tattoo as he pulled his shirt on. He buttoned the shirt then tucked it in before putting a belt on. He pulled his boots on then chaps and vest.

He turned and spotted me. He chuckled before grabbing his straw hat and putting it on. Then stepped outside. I opened my door the rest of the way and walked out. I ate a small snack before grabbing two waters and stepped out.

He was no where in sight. I walked up to the stalls and saddled Gambler. He whinnied loudly as I led him to the warm up ring. I tightened the cinch before mounting and riding him around.

He tossed his head as he loped around. I pulled him to the center and stopped him. He pranced in place for a second before standing still. Once he was still I took him to a full gallop. Then let him run loose with me still on his back.

He walked over to the side where some cowboys were gathered. He put his head over the top rail. "He sure is fast, baby." One said. "Yeah and he bites too." I said before he nipped the sleeve of one of them. They all backed up. "Saw you helping out Hunter earlier. Wanna help me out?" Another said.

"Nope. You can go help yourself." I said riding out of the ring. "B***h." I heard one mumble. I rolled my eyes and continued on. Barrel racing was about to start. Something fell and startled every horse including Gambler. I pulled on the reins trying to get him under control. He crow hopped before someone grabbed him.

The person was talking quietly to him as he calmed down. I saw it was Jase. "You ok?" He asked. I nodded. "What was that?" I asked. "Probably a metal bucket or something." He said still holding Gambler. "Let's get to the alleyway." He added starting to lead Gambler.

Once there he let him go. "Stay safe out there. He's still jumpy from the incident." Jase warned before climbing over the fence. "You might be the only one besides his last girlfriend that he's had anything to do with." Wendy said riding up next to me.

"All I did was clean a cut on his forehead one night and now we're more friend like than anything." I said. "All it takes is one act of kindness or rudeness for him to judge you. You luckily chose to be kind so he is to you." She said.

"He's not as vicious and mean as everyone says. Mostly wants to be left alone unless he needs something." I said. "That's one worth keeping around. Bad tempers can be changed with the right person there." She said lining up behind me.

Once it was my turn I patted Gambler. He snorted tossing his head. "Up next is Rylin Ray on Gambling Streak." I kicked Gambler into a full gallop pulling him up just before he could turn. Then onto the second barrel. I moved my leg out of the way just in time missing the barrel. Once around the last one he sprinted without say so.

Once across the line I pulled him up for a stop. He was breathing heavily. I patted his sweaty neck before dismounting and loosening the cinch. I led him around cooling him off. Then getting him a drink. He shook his head and neck after he was done.

I put him in his stall before checking on Blaze. Then gave them both their supper and a bucket of water each. They both were content with their food and dug in. I went back to watch bull riding.

I got to the fence just in time to watch Jase ride. He was good, no he was great. Once the buzzer sounded he jumped off and threw his hat. It landed at my feet. I reached through and picked it up like he meant to throw it my way. He exited the ring, I spotted him walking towards my horses.

I jogged out. "Lose something?" I asked handing him his hat. "Thought that was you on the side." He said taking it from me. "So what were you planning on doing afterwards?" I asked. "Definitely not drinking. Would you like to go get something to eat?" He asked.

"Depends on where." I said as we walked towards my truck. "Do you trust me?" He asked. "Why?" I asked. "Just wondering if you truly trust me enough to take you out to eat." He said. "Since you know where this place is." I handed him my truck keys.

He kissed my temple. Oh kay. He opened the passenger side door letting me get in. Then closed it and jogged around to the driver side. He took his vest off before buckling his seatbelt. I sat back as we pulled out of the lot.

He pulled off onto some street and continued to drive. Once we hit backroads he turned one way then another. I saw the headlights flash on a mailbox and an overhead sign. "One thing is. I've got family all over the US." He said. "Most live in the south but they also are north and to the east and west.

"My grandparents stayed in Minnesota while my parents moved to New Mexico, aunts and uncles moved to different states and most of my cousins live in a different state than their parents." He said as we pulled up to a house.

He got out then came around to the passenger side. He opened the door helping me out. Then quickly took his chaps off. "My nephews should be in town." He said leading me up his larger hand incasing my smaller one. He rang the doorbell and an elderly lady opened it before hugging him.

"Oh how I've missed you." She said as he hugged the shorter lady back. "I've missed you too Mimi." He said. "Who's this Jase?" She asked. "A friend that helped me out of a tough time." He said.

"Come on it. The boys will be delighted to see you boy. You know they love seeing their tough uncle." She said shuffling inside. Jase led me into the large house.

Several boys ran up to him almost tackling him. "How did you do?" "Where are you going next?" "Do you know how long your going to be in town?" Half of them asked.

Triple R Love: book 6 of theTriple R series Where stories live. Discover now