Ch. 4 Rikly Forever

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CHAPTER 4: *Lily!s POV @ age 18*

"Trust me I don't need anymore stuff to take with me to California! I only need whatever fits into my car!" I said to Aunt Buff over the phone.

"Are you sure sweety? Are you taking all of your posters and stuff from R5?" "Well I'm only taking the stuff that really means something to me." I said in a light tone reminiscing about my time I have spent with Riker.

"Princess I can hear it in your voice you are still in love with that boy I don't care what you say!" She laughs. "What?! What boy are you talking about?!?" I tried to act like I didn't know but I knew she wasn't falling for it!

"I don't care what age that boy is your going to California for a reason and that is to fallow your heart, no matter what is in it! I know your going to be a model but you have to find that boy while your at it!" I knew she was serious and I wanted to, hell I really wanted to find him, but what if he doesn't feel the sparks anymore and I do? What will I do?

"Aunty I have to finish packing, so I love you and I'll call you when I'm at stopping points on my journey. Love you!" I told her just trying to get off the phone.

"Love you too!" She said, "and remember follow your heart!" I hung up wanting to believe that I should follow my heart but not sure if I can. I sat down on my bare mattress and I thought about that night...

*Lily @ an R5 concert @ age 16*

I got up to the VIP table and saw Riker and went into a daze. I heard, "Hey Lily your getting older and more gorgeous every time I see you!" Riker says with a cute genuine smile. Agh did he really just say that to me? Speak you idiot!

"Oh thanks Riker, you as well! I mean not gorgeous, but like sexy... Or beautiful... Or handsome... Wow that sounded really dumb! I'm gonna shut up now!" We both laughed really hard! "Hope you have fun tonight your one of our most amazing fans! We"ll try and make it the best show!" He smiled again. I ran around the table and had to give him a huge hug I never wanted to let go.

'All of the R5 shows are amazing because your in them!" I said with my head burried in his chest.

"Lil I think other fans want to see Riker too!" Aubrey said with a smile! "Hey it's Aubrey right? Nice to see you again!" Riker said. We all smiled at eachother. I let Riker go and said goodbye and good luck to everyone! Before R5 went on while Ryland was DJing, well it was that time of the month and I REALLY had to go to the bathroom. I went out one of the doors in the back to look for the bathroom. I couldn't find it anywhere! I ended up heading down this dim long hallway! I saw a black door and prayed it was a bathroom. I opened the door and saw Riker standing in a storage room reaching for something. "Aw sorry," I said while having a mini fan girl attack, "I'm looking for the bathroom I can't seem to find it anywhere!"

"Oh, hey Lily! I can't reach that box up on that top shelf there, can you help me out?" I smiled and got a whole bunch of butterflies in my stomach.

"Of coarse!" I said as I walked towards him. I was wondering what he needed in the box but I was to nervous to ask him. He lifted me up and the butterflies grew even worse when he touched me! I grabbed the box and suddenly I yelled, "Fuuuuudge muffins!" not realizing how heavy it was going to be! I was tipping over backwards with it in my hands. And Riker was falling backwards too!

I heard him hit the wall behind us and say, "Ahhh shit!" and then he sat me down once he caught his balance. We both started dying laughing and I couldn't hold the box anymore I fell on the floor still laughing. Riker got down on his knees, tears were filling our eyes we were laughing so hard! "Are you okay?" He leaned towards me more concerned now.

"Yah but this box was a lot heavier than I thought it was going to be! What is in it?" I said trying to stop laughing.

"Oh, just some extra cords we needed. Are you sure your ok?" He asked and looked at my elbow. "Ah man your bleeding!" He said.

"Oh I didn't even realize it! I must have hit it of the shelf up there!" He pulled my sleeve up and the butterflies came back again when he touched me.

He looked at it and said, "Oh it's just a scratch." trying to make me feel better even though it didn't hurt at all. "I have bandaids in my back pack in the dressing room we should probably go get you one!" He said. He stood up and reached down for my hand to help me up.

"Thanks, Riker." I said looking at the floor. I was so attracted to him I couldn't look at him because I was afraid of what I may do.

He noticed me looking at the floor and walked closer to me grabbing my chin and lifting it up so we were looking at eachother and he said, "Are you sure your ok?"

"Yah I just get a little nervous around you." I stuttered not knowing why I even said that.

"But, why I'm just as normal of a person as everyone else." He got all serious.

"I know it's just I've had the biggest crush on you since I was 4! Not because your famous or because your insanely sexy!" I saw him blush and as was I! "But because in every single video I watch of you and every time I see you, your not trying to be something your not! Your goofy, and I see the way you have held R5 together after all of these years! You are the glue that makes R5 stick together and I love that about you!" I noticed him looking deeply into my eyes. "I'm sorry I'm rambling on about you!" I said a little embarrassed.

"No, it's ok! Yah know what, I have never met a fan like you before every time I see you I remember every moment that I have seen you before! That never happens! And each time I see you, you get more and more beautiful!" Ok now I was blushing hard!

He got closer to me and I looked into his eyes, "Why do you have to be so perfect?" I asked. He held the side of my face and I went in for the kiss! His lips against mine were just perfect it was slow and deep and magical. He bit my lip and I got the chills everywhere. There was definately a spark! And then it ended and I opened my eyes and noticed he was just opening his too. After a few seconds reality kicked in and he backed away from me.

"Wait how old are you again? I should not have done that I am so sorry!" He grabbed the box, opened the door, and started to fast walk into the hallway.

I suddenly realized he was really leaving and yelled, "If I was older would things be different?" He stopped in his tracks and turned around. "I felt a spark like never before and if you tell me you didn't feel that too then I will leave you alone!" I said getting closer to him.

He looked at the floor and then looked up at me and said, "Come see me when your 18 and we can see if that spark is still there!" He winked at me and then ran to the end of the hall and disappeared!

*Lily's back in her room @ age 18 and her Daydream comes to an end!*

Every single day I replay that kiss in my head. I have seen him twice since, but it was awkward because we both new I wasn't 18 yet. Now that I'm 18, he has probably forgotten all about me. But I am heading to California anyways. I'm heading there so that my modeling career hopefully takes off faster but, underneath I know that's just an excuse for what my heart is telling me to do. Which is find Riker my only love!

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