Ch. 23 Rikly Forever

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CHAPTER 23: *Lily's POV 2 weeks later leaving her house to go back to Cali with Riker*

I kissed dad goodbye on the forehead lightly because, I didn't want to wake him up from his nap on the couch. And I gave my mom one last hug.

"Bye Ma! Take care of daddy and yourself. Love you!"

Riker was holding the door open and said, "Well, thank you for letting me into your home and I hope to see you again soon Steff!"

She walked over gave him a hug and said, "Now you take good care of my daughter yah here?" We all laughed a little. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the cab, thinking about how embarrassing Ma could be.

He yelled back to her, "As you can tell she's the one takin care of me!" We all laughed again as Riker and I were getting in the cab.

He scootched a little closer to me and put his arm around my shoulders. I was so happy with him. But then it hit me, what is Riker's family going to think about the two of us together. I started biting my nails getting more and more nervous the closer we got to the airport.

"Lil, you ok? You seem a bit off." Riker asked a bit concerned.

"No! I'm fine! I'm ok." I blurted, knowing I didn't do a great job of covering up my concern.

"Lil! I think I've got you down pretty well, and you are not fine! What's on your mind?" He insisted I answer. I looked up at him.

"Well, I'm worried about how your family will feel about us dating." I admitted. I looked down trying not to think to much into how they might react.

"Lil I've talked to my mom about you and she seemed to be ok with idea of you and me. And if my mom is ok with it then everybody should be!" He laughed. I looked at him, still not completely convinced.

"Riker, this isn't funny what if the rest of your family seriously isn't ok with us?" I chattered.

He lifted my chin up now, "Lily, you and me this is going to happen no matter what, because we can't deny this connection we have. I tried and it didn't work did it?" He laughed a little, lightning up my mood. "So, if they don't like it they can suck it up! But, you already know how they feel about you. They absolutely love you! So why wouldn't they like the idea of us?" He replied.

I felt a little better because, if they liked me before than hopefully nothing will change. He kissed my cheek lightly, reassuring me everything would be fine. I rested my head on his shoulder. He played with my hair and that made my anxiety just drift away.

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