Ch. 22 Rikly Forever

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CHAPTER 22: *Lily's POV*

Riker asked me this afternoon, at the hospital, if I would go out with him tonight, on our first date. My dad was funny he just stared at us waiting for my answer as did the rest of my family. I of coarse said yes even though it felt like we were way past the first date stage, it was still sweet! I was getting ready in my room, I put on an old pair of jean shorts and a blue tee that said, "young at heart". I hadn't packed a lot of clothes coming from Cali back to Florida, so I didn't have many clothing options. I grabbed my heart sunglasses and dark blue converse and walked out.

He was waiting on the couch and saw me and stood right up. He was always so sexy! He was wearing a pair of skinny jeans, a dark blue button up shirt, and had his leather jacket on, with a pair of black converse and RayBans. He looked at me and smiled.

"What are you smiling about you goon?" I asked giggling.

"Your beautiful!" He said dead serious.

"Stop! These clothes are so old I dug them out of my closet because I didn't bring enough back from Cali!" I said grabbing his hand. We walked out of the house hand in hand.

"So where you talking me?" I asked curious.

"Well I'm not very familiar around here, so I thought that we could maybe walk to the beach and grab some food from like a hot dog stand. Does that sound good?" He asked still holding my hand but wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we walked.

"That sounds perfect! I haven't had one of those hot dogs in what feels like forever!" I said as my tummy started to grumble even thinking about it.

He laughed and said, "Good I'm glad!" We walked to the beach and found a hot dog stand along the edge. We got our hot dogs and sat down in the sand talking.

*Riker's POV*

We ate our hot dogs talking the whole time. I looked over at her once I finished mine and saw her shove the rest of hers in her mouth. I started laughing, looking at all of the ketchup she had gotten on her face.

She chewed and said at the same time, "What?" This made me laugh even harder. She finished chewing and swallowed.

"You have ketchup all over your face Lil!" I said holding her face and wiping it off her cheek with my thumb.

"Thanks." She said blushing.

I kissed her forehead and said, "No problem!" I heard an old song come on the guys radio at the hot dog stand.

I stood up immediately and said, "No way! It's Fall Out Boy's Alone Together! I haven't heard this song in forever!"

I grabbed her and pulled her too her feet and spun her around. I sung loudly, dancing her around me, "Say yeah! Let's be alone together. We could stay young forever. Scream it from the top of your lungggggsss!! Say yeah!" I laughed as I spun her around again dancing with her. I did some air guitar moves in the middle of the song. "Cause I don't know where your goin! But do yah got room for one more troubled soul?"

She ran towards me and laughed and sang the background 'Yeahs' for me while fist pumping and head banging! It was adorable. I tackled her into the sand and she had a little giggle attack and I kissed her. I pulled away and looked into her eyes that were sparkling from the moonlight. It sent chills down my spinal chord. I layed down next to her and she slid over putting her head on my shoulder. We just stared at the stars together underneath the moonlight.

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