Ch. 29 Rikly Forever

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CHAPTER 29: *Lily's POV @ Their place the day after the ultra sound*

"Riker where is my big pillow? I don't think I've brought it in from the car, but I went outside to look and can't seem to find it." I questioned walking into the kitchen as he was doing the dishes.

"Oh you mean that giant one with my face plastered on it?" He asked turning towards me rinsing his hands off.

Uh-oh. "You weren't meant to see that!" I embarrassingly admitted.

"Hey, I have no problem with it! I'm actually quite flattered!" He said turning around and also a little red like he was gonna laugh at any moment.

"Ok! I was given that as a gift when I was really young and it's the comfiest pillow I have!" I argued.

"Oh so having my face, may I add astonishingly handsome face, on the front isn't what makes it so comfortable to sleep with?" He hypothesized.

"Well, if you think your face is what made it so comfortable, why would I need the pillow when I have the real astonishingly handsome face by my side every night?" I pointed out walking towards him so I was right in front of him.

"Ok you made a good point there!" He chuckled, rapping his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him.

He began to kiss me and moved down my neck saying inbetween kisses, "So. You. Think. I'm. Astonishingly. Handsome?" I giggled cause my neck was ticklish.

I nibbled on his earlobe and whispered, "You'll never no!" And ran to our messy bedroom. Where half of my stuff still wasn't unpacked.

I jumped on the bed as he ran after me. I stood up running backwards against the wall, and stood having nowhere else to run. He jumped up on the bed and stood in front of me intertwining both of our hands against the wall. He kissed me deeply. I started getting caught up in the moment until I realized I couldn't let him win our little game. So I pushed him down on the bed and sat on top of him as he lay there. With my knees on both sides of him I began tickling him.

"How do you like it Riker?" I giggled. He was laughing so hard, squirming on the bed, his eyes were watering.

"I'm not sure I like it that much!" He snorted. I stopped and then pinned his hands above his head against the bed. I looked up and saw the phone.

"Shit!" I quickly remembered that we had to call my parents and tell them the news.

"What's wrong babe?" He asked.

"We still haven't called my parents yet." I stated, letting go of his hands, and scurrying off of him.

"You think they'll be happy right?" He questioned sitting up on the edge of the bed.

"I hope!" I mumbled.

"Well, let's call them right now!" He said.

*Riker's POV*

"Well let's call them right now!" I said. I'm praying inside her parents will be happy, but sometimes you just never know. I mean she is 18 in all. Lil picked up the phone dialed her house number and put it on speaker phone.

Ring. Ring.

"Hello." Her mom said through the phone.

"Hey Ma it's Riker and I!" Lil said sitting on the edge of the bed with me. I scooted her closer to me and put my arms around her waist leaning my head on her shoulder.

"Hey kids! How are you?"

"Well Mom, we have something to tell you." Lily's voice shook a little. I could tell she was nervous.

"What's going on?" Steff asked calmly.

"Mom I'm pregnant." Lil spit out. You could here a big gasp through the phone. Lil looked at me not sure if it was a good or bad gasp.

And we both heard, "Oh my goodness, that is great news sweetheart! I didn't think it would happen so soon but, I'm happy for you guys!" Lily let a out a huge sigh and started to laugh a little. As did I because we both were prepared for the worst. I held her tighter smiling, and kissed her cheek. Lily and I both said thank you and her mom congratulated us again and told us to call her soon with more details. Lil hung up the phone and set it on the bed turning to face me.

I looked at her and grinned, "That wasn't so bad was it?" She laughed a little.

"No it wasn't. But, what about your family?" Her face became quickly worried.

"My family is all about family. You know that! They are going to be happier than we are!" I reassured her knowing it was the truth. I kissed her gently and passionately as we both fell sideways onto the bed.

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