Ch. 32 Rikly Forever

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CHAPTER 32: *Riker's POV 14 in a half weeks into Lily's pregnancy coming home from work*

"RIKERRR!!!!" I heard Lily yell as soon as I walked in the house. I ran to where I heard the voice. I stopped in the doorway and saw Lily standing in front of the long mirror.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked walking towards her, since I knew she wasn't hurt. She had her shirt up so her tummy was showing.

"I have a baby bump!" She yelled even though I was right next to her. I looked at her stomach and saw how cute it was. I smiled. It was tiny but it was starting to form. I stood behind her and put my hand on her stomach. I looked at her in the mirror and she looked back at me. She put her hand over top of mine and leaned back into me as I held her. I started humming an old Maroon 5 song I just heard in the car, swaying her back and forth.

"What's that song called?" She asked.

"She Will Be Loved!" I said still swaying with her.

"Didn't you use to know that on guitar?" She turned around still in my arms and asked me, rapping her arms around her neck. I smiled thinking it was cute that she remembered.

"Yah I know it! I just heard it on the radio on the way home from work." She gave me that look were I know her mind is working.

"What?" I asked her.

"You should go get your guitar and play it for me." She suggested with her puppy dog eyes.

"If you insist!" I laughed.

I grabbed my guitar that was on a stand in the living room and brought it back into the bedroom. She was sitting, legs criss-crossed on our bed. I hopped up and sat with my legs cross-crossed as well. She started clapping she was so excited. I just laughed at how cute she was. I played a couple of chords before I started playing the song and she just sat there staring at me. So I began to sing the song.

*Lily's POV*

He began singing the song. I was so mesmerized by the way his lips moved singing each word. And each word was sung to me. I always wanted that. To have him sing just for me. It made me remember when I first fell in love with everything about him. He had me in a trance whenever he looked up from the guitar and into my eyes. His eyes so brown. And his hair so blonde just swooshing above his eyebrows. And him, so handsome. I had to be the luckiest girl in the world.

He got to the chorus and began to sing, "I don't mind spendin' everyday, out on your corner in the pourin rain!" He smiled staring at me and I blushed looking into my lap.

I looked back up at him when he started singing, "And she wiiilllll beee loooovvveed! And she wiiillllll be loooooovved!" He had me rapped around his finger after those notes. My heart just melted and I got goose bumps everywhere. Once he finished I jumped up and gave him a hug knocking him over on the bed.

He laughed, "So you liked it?" Taking his guitar out from underneath me and laying it beside us, so I was lying right on top of him.

"Did I like it? Well don't sing that to any other girls besides me!" I said laughing, thinking that if he did they would be rapped around his finger too. I layed my head on his chest.

"What if we have a little girl though?" He questioned putting his arms around me.

"Ok, that is your only exception!" I laughed. The room fell silent yet, it was loud from our thoughts. I could tell we were both thinking about what the baby would turn out to be like.

"Well, I definately believe it's going to be a girl!" Riker began.

"Yah she will be Daddy's little girl!" I added giggling.

"She's going to love to have her picture taken like her Mom!" Riker continued. Mom.... I'm going to be a mom.

"Wow I'm going to be a mom." I speculated.

"And I'm going to be a dad!" Riker affirmed.

I looked up at him and said, "Will you promise me on all of the stars combined that you will never stop loving me. No matter how crazy and silly I get! And no matter if our relationship is crumbling apart you have to keep us together!" I looked at him just praying he would promise, because I am scared. I'm scared of losing him in the end.

"Lily you are the stars to my sky at night. These past months I have spent with you I have never been happier!" He said looking deeply into my eyes. "I promise you on all of the stars combined, that I will never stop loving you Lily." He held my neck and pulled me in for a kiss. He was so passionate when he kissed me. I could never get enough of that. We let go and I rested my head on his chest again.

It was so peaceful to be there with him. I didn't want that moment to end.

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