Ch. 28 Rikly Forever

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CHAPTER 28: *Lily's POV @ docs office for first ultra sound*

I looked at Riker, who was waiting in the chair next to me. He could tell I was nervous and he grabbed my hand that was resting on my leg. I looked at our hands together, and then back up at him. He smiled.

"So Lil, is that a nervous or excited shake you've got going with your leg there?" I looked at my leg quickly and stopped it from shaking.

"Both, I guess."

"What do you mean you guess?" He sat up in his chair and leaned more towards me.

"Well I don't know what to really think or feel right now." Which was the truth. I'm lost. It always feels like I pick into my head too much but, right now I don't really now what's going on in my head. It's a little crazy. I think too much is roaming around up there for me to pinpoint an exact thought.

"Riker and Lily Lynch." I looked up to see a nurse in the doorway. Did she call me a Lynch? Dang, have I dreamed of that for sometime now.

Smiling from hearing the Lynch after my name, I stood up and so did Riker. He tightly kept ahold of my hand as we followed the nurse into our room. We both sat down on the chairs in the cold room. The nurse asked a bunch of questions. Then she told me to lay on the table and the doctor would be there in a few minutes. She left the room as I stood from my chair and sat on the hardly cushioned table.

Riker moved to the chair closest to the table and held my hand again. It was so comforting just to know he was there. We still haven't told our parents anything yet because, we wanted to know for sure. Only Rydel knows, and she wanted to come really badly today. But, Riker told her this was something we had to do together, alone. The doctor came in and asked almost all the same questions the nurse had asked. He sat down in his rolly stool and asked me to lift my shirt, to start the ultra sound. Riker then stood up coming right up against the table, holding my hand inbetween both of his. I looked up at him, as the doctor squirted the gel on my stomach. I got chills from how cold the gel was.

He was smiling his huge overly excited smile. It made me happy knowing how happy he was. The doctor moved his machine thing around on my stomach.

I looked at the screen and he said, "Well there is definately a child in there!"

I started tearing up. I'm actually going to have a baby. Oh my goodness. And I couldn't have asked for a better man to have it with. I looked up and saw a tear sliding down Riker's face. This made one fall down my cheek as well. He bent down and kissed my forehead.

"We're having a baby!" He said extremely ecstatic!

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