Chapter 3

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Mr. Haynes was there, he was leaning against the wall, watching me. I saw his 8-pack and couldn’t help but stare.

“You know, you can’t swim with a towel.” He said, smirking.

“R-Right.” I stammered from my nerves, the cold and his sexiness. Wait! Sexiness? I just called my teacher sexy!

I slipped off my towel and put it on a bench. I turned and saw his eyes raking up and down my body. I wrapped my arms over my stomach and slowly walked over to him.

“You’re shaking, you okay?” he asked, his hazel eyes burned into mine.

“I’m fine.” I said, trying to hide my fear.

“Alright then. Why don’t we start with a trust exercise?” his voice was gentle and soft. He read my face easily.

He pulled my arms off of my stomach and led me to the deep end. It was 12 feet deep. What was he planning?

He let go of my hand and jumped in. a few seconds later, he came up, treading water and moving hair out of his eyes.

“I want you to jump in, I’ll catch you.”

I just stared at him. He couldn’t catch me, he couldn’t stand.

“Do you trust me, Rainah?” he asked from the water.

“Yes.” I said quietly. I don’t know why I did, but I just did.

“Then jump.”

“Promise you’ll catch me?”

“I swear.”

I took a deep breath and jumped. I squeezed my eyes shut and prayed he’d catch me. I felt myself hit the water, it was cold.

                        Suddenly, warm arms wrapped around me, bringing me up. Will. He had caught me. I clung to him as we came up. My arms were around his neck, my legs wrapped around his torso.

                        We broke surface and he swam us back to the side. He never looked away from me. I was trapped in his gaze. His expression was unreadable.

                        My back gently hit the side of the pool, it was cold. I instinctively moved closer to Will. But then I remembered he is my teacher and I should not be this close to him, so I moved back to the wall.

                        He smirked at me. “So you have two options. Either you use the edge to help you get to the shallow side like a little kid, or you let me take you there.”

                        I hesitantly took his out stretched hand. He pulled me close to him as he swam to the shallow end. I watched his thoughtful expression.

                        He set me down on my feet in water that went up to my shoulders. I noticed that he was at least 4 inches taller then me.

                        “Are we actually going to swim or are you just gonna stare at me?” he chuckled.

                        “Cocky much?”

                        “You know you love it.”

                        “Whatever you say, Will.” I said, rolling my eyes.

                        He came behind me, his chest pressed against my back and his chin on my shoulder. He gently took my arms and showed me how to move them. I knew he was talking but I could hardly pay attention because of his closeness.

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