Chapter 8

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ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay fans!!!! thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!!! 

any ways i really dont like this chapter but i felt a need to post

***WILL’S POV***

“You okay?” I asked, brushing a tear off her cheek. I keep touching her too much, I know why though, I just want to kiss her. There are two big problems with that though. One, she almost got raped last night and two, she is still my student. But for some reason, the second thing didn’t bother me as much as it probably should’ve.

Rainah just nodded, not looking at me. I take that as a no. I bet anything that she believes whatever that Christine chic told her. I wish she could see that I mean every word I said.

I looked down, remembering the food and dug in. I was starving! I heard her and Zoey laugh quietly.

“Don’t interrupt my time with my food.” I said with my mouth full, glaring at them playfully.

I noticed Zoey had dug in as well. I was shocked. She had changed a lot. Even after she got help, she never liked eating in front of people. I had been taken off guard this morning when I talked to her about Rainah and she suggested the diner.

Rainah had eaten 1 of her 3 pancakes so far, she looked done. She silently pushed her plate away. She still hadn’t looked at me since I talked to that waitress. I’d talk to her in private about that.

Zoey caught my eye, she nodded slightly. That was our sign. She thought Rainah was anorexic.

When Zoey and I had talked this morning after I dropped off the girls, we had come up with a plan. We would take Rainah out to breakfast where Zoey would watch her for signs of an eating disorder. she was hoping Rainah would admit to it but I really doubted she would yet.

That waitress probably helped her come to a conclusion sooner.

“I’m impressed, Zoey.” I said, sitting back.

“About what?” she replied watching me.

“You’re eating, I’m proud of you.”

Zoey grinned at me. Rainah just watched us, confused.

“I have anorexia.” Zoey told her, looking at her to see any type of reaction.

Rainah’s eyes widened slightly for a second, she shifted nervously in the booth before she composed herself again.

We just made small talk until Zoey realized Rainah wasn’t going to admit it yet.

 “Why don’t you guys just go home for now and relax a bit? Maybe I’ll come over for dinner and meet your sisters.” She told Rainah and I.

“Sounds good.” I said, getting out money to leave on the table.

“Okay.” Rainah said.

We all left the money and went outside. Zoey quickly said goodbye and went to her car.

Rainah and I went to the Jeep, she kept her eyes firmly planted on the ground as I helped her in. I got in but I didn’t start the car. I wanted her to talk to me or at least look at me. I hated the silence.

“Rainah, tell me what you’re thinking about.” I said, facing her.

“I need to call my mom and talk to her about last night.” She said, still not looking at me. I had a feeling she would dodge that question.

I knew she actually did have to at some point so I grabbed out my cell. “Here.”

She thanked me, still not making eye contact, and dialed her number.

Behind Closed Doors (studentxteacher) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now