Author's Note

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Author’s Note

Dear my lovely readers,

         I cannot believe I finished writing a novel. The idea blows my mind. I have a word document saved that is 359 pages long in size 14 point font. That’s pretty fucking amazing to me.

         I started this book August 10, 2011. I finished it November 30, 2012. I started posting on Wattpad January 23, 2012. All these dates don’t mean much to you, but to me, it is baffling.

         I am almost sixteen and I wrote a book.

         I am in no way saying that my book is better then anyone else’s because I know it is incredibly far from perfect but I am a bit proud of myself.

         When I started posting on this site, I had a 70-page word document. I honestly wasn’t sure if I would be able to keep interest to finish this story but I figured I should try to see if it was any good.

         Before I knew it, I had 25,000 reads and around 40 fans. I never expected that much of a response.

         Currently I have 90,00 reads and 140 fans… mind blown x 5!

         My biggest fear was not pleasing everyone, which I quickly realized was reality. I struggled to write without being influenced by others.

         My story grew and changed as I wrote, I added a lot more then I had ever planned. For example, I never planned Xavier, he just happened. I never planned to write a restricted chapter but I did.

         I found that I didn’t want my story to end. I cried writing the epilogue and I’m crying as I type this. All good things must end I guess.

         That is why there will NOT be a sequel. Sorry but I do not want to force myself to write something I don’t want to. Sequels tend to be not as good as the first. This book will stand-alone.

         While I did find some hate on here, I found more support and love then expected. I have made friends.

         Time for my thank you’s and shout outs.

         I’d like to thank MoonLightHaven for her amazingly beautiful cover for this story! She made one without me giving her any real ideas of what I wanted.

         ItalRT4u has been incredibly supportive from the start if I’d been upset. She helped me ignore the hate. She always told me in her comments of what she liked or what to work on.

         Of course, someone I have thanked numerous times, JadedViolet. She is always there to help me on any issues I have in writing or life in general. She has helped me finish this story.

         Anyone who has read any of my story deserves a thank you for just being interested enough to click on it.

         Thanks to anyone who has voted, it makes me feel good!

         Of course thank you to my lovely commenters, there are way to many to name. The fact that you liked it enough to spend a minute typing a comment is amazing. You all have encouraged me to keep writing when I got stuck. You gave me criticism and sometimes, confidence boosting. I do read every comment even if I don’t reply. I value them all.

         Thank you to my fans. You guys rock for sticking with some short or late uploads!

         My next story will be a holocaust romance so be on the look out for that when it comes out!

         I love you all! Thank you for reading!


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