Chapter 14

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“Rainah, can I talk to you outside for a minute?” Sky asked. I knew she was being serious because she used my full name. She looked more stressed then normal and a bit angry. Sky has never been an angry person.

“Alright.” I said, meeting her stare. i called out to Will that I was going on a walk with Sky.

We took the elevator down to the lobby and we went out front. We sat on a bench directly next to the entrance of the apartments. The atmosphere and silence filled with tension. I sensed an argument coming.

Sky, Lily and I don’t normally fight, we depend on each other too much to have petty fights other sisters have. We all hated fighting with each other any ways. I always think ‘what if this is the last time I talk to them?’ besides, they have too much stress in their lives as it is.

“You haven’t told him about the anorexia have you?’ she asked, looking over at me.

“No, he doesn’t need to know.” I replied evenly. This was what Sky and I fought about, my anorexia. I could stop if I wanted to.

“Don’t you think he has a right to know?”

“It’s not that big of a deal.” I was getting defensive now. “It’s my problem, not yours, Skylar.”

She glared at me slightly. “As your sister, it is my problem.” She sighed. “I can’t lose another sibling, Rain.”

“You won’t” I told her. But it felt like she had punched me. She shouldn’t have lost Ash, she shouldn’t need to be scared for me.

There was a long silence between us. I listened to the sound of cars passing by.

“If you don’t tell him tonight, I will.” She said finally.

I was shocked, my little sister was forcing me to tell him. Shouldn’t she be on my side, supporting me with whatever I choose to do?

“You wouldn’t.” I said darkly, looking at her to make sure she was serious.

“I would.” She evenly met my gaze. “He needs to know.”

“I’ll tell him when I’m ready.” I tried to reason.

“When will that be? Five years from now? We both know you won’t tell him if I leave it up to you.” She snapped sharply, surprising me.

“Fine, I’ll tell him.” I snapped back at her.

We were silent as we went back upstairs. I was scared to tell him, but it was weak to have Sky tell him for me. What would he think? How would he respond? What would change when I told him?

Before I opened the door, Sky hugged me. “I’m doing this for you, I know you can tell him.”

I was to nervous to really reply so we just went back in.

“Will?” I called, my voice was shaky. He was now sitting on the couch, reading. He looked up at me and frowned.

“What’s up?” he put his book down.

“I need to talk to you.” I said, trying to gain composure. I walked into his room, knowing he’d follow.

I sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the floor. I heard him shut the door and sit next to me.

“Rainah, what is it?” he asked, softly as he pushed my chin up to meet my eyes.

I felt a few tears slip out and he gently brushed them away but waited for me to speak.

“I-I have anorexia.” I said, watching him.

“I know.” He said quietly.

I sat there for a second, in shock. Who told him? How did he know? How long has he known?

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