Chapter 50

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I woke up to the smell of smoke. I jumped up, noticing Will wasn’t next to me. What the hell was going on? Where was Will?

I jumped up to find out what was going on. When I exited the bedroom, the smell grew stronger. I instantly found the source,

Will stood in the kitchen, trying to cook something. He was frantically trying to put out the beginnings of a small fire by waving a newspaper at it.

I rushed over to help, not wanting to set off the buildings fire alarm. I reached around the pan to cut off the stoves heat and I moved the pan onto a different burner. I grabbed the pans lid from the counter and covered it, somehow burning part of my hand.

No more smoke came from the pot as it cooled.

“Shit.” I hissed running it under cold water.

“Are you okay? Let me see it.” Will asked carefully taking my hand from under the water. It was red and had some big blisters. He told me to keep it under the water while he got a cream for burns.

My hand burned intensely but I have had worse. It would heal and go away.

“Fuck, sorry Rainah.” He said, rushing back out. “I was trying to make omelets and I failed miserably.”

“I’m good. That was really sweet of you.” I smiled at him and I meant it.

“Sweet until you burned your hand stopping a fire.” He muttered.

“You tried.” I replied, turning off the water.

He applied the ointment to the burn with a light touch, it brought a cooling sensation to my hand.

He made me sit on the couch while he cleaned up the ruined omelet and made something else.

He brought out two yogurt parfaits with strawberries, blueberries and granola.

“Happy birthday.” He said, kissing my cheek. I could tell he was still upset about getting me burnt by the way his eyes briefly rested on the blisters.

“I’m okay, really.” I told him after I ate a bit.

“Probably not the best start of the day.” He mumbled.

“You making a big deal out of it will make it worse.” I told him.

He nodded. “We are supposed to be at the house for lunch in two hours.”

“I need to go to the cemetery first.” I sighed.

Every year on my birthday, I go to the cemetery. It would’ve been Ash’s birthday as well. I would summarize my year for him and tell him what I think he would be like if he was still around.

Birthdays were never happy for me, I had to remember that Ash wasn’t here with me. I often cut twice, once in the morning and once at night.

Today, I was determined not to cut. I have family and Will, hopefully knowing that will be enough to stop me.

“Can I drive you?” he asked, understanding in his eyes.

“Sure.” I got up and went to get dressed.

We took the Jeep to the graveyard, it was a bit cloudy out. I wore a fleece jacket to chase away the cold. Will parked it by the entrance.

“I’ll wait here.” He said.

“Actually,” I started hesitantly. “Do you want to come with me this time?”

“Really? You want me to?” he asked, surprised.

Behind Closed Doors (studentxteacher) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now