Chapter 5

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I ran back into the locker room right as girls starting coming in.  Natalie and some of her friends filed in.

“Hey, Rainah!” a girl named Liz called. Liz had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. She and her friends snickered. Natalie did not though, she just watched me.

I nodded at them and ducked my head. Whenever they talked to me, it never ended well. I hoped maybe they’d just leave me alone this time, but of course I was wrong.

“The least you could do is answer me, freak.” Liz sneered. When I still didn’t respond, she was pissed. “That’s it.”

Liz pushed me against the wall and was about to slap me when someone grabbed her arm. “Wait!”

It was Natalie. I looked at her, confused, as she watched Liz.

“Why are you defending this ugly piece of shit?” Liz asked, glaring at her.

“She didn’t do anything.” Natalie replied, standing her ground.

“What the hell is going on here?” Dani came in and shoved Liz off of me Liz just glared daggers at Natalie.

“You got lucky, freak.” Liz addressed me before she and her friends walked out, leaving Natalie, Dani and I in the locker room.

“You okay?” Natalie asked. She seemed concerned. I knew her friends would give her hell for this.

“Yeah, I’m good. Thank you, Natalie.” I replied.

She gave me a quick smile before she walked out. Dani and I exchanged a confused look before we went out as well.

Five days passed. Dad was home twice, the only big damage to me was my now black and blue stomach, there was almost constant pain. Mom came home on Friday only to leave again Sunday night with no car, thankfully though, she arranged Sky and Lily to get rides from our neighbors.. To say the least, I was pissed, but there was nothing I could do about it. Will had said on Friday that he would give us a new assignment for music today. He had taught me to swim freestyle and tread water, I passed the swim test on Friday. Of course my crush on him hadn’t changed. We texted each other over the weekend.

So here I am on Monday, walking into Mr. Haynes room for music. He winked at me when I walked in and I blushed as usual.

“Alright guys! This week, we will be working on duets! Go find a partner!” he said after the bell rung.

Great, I sighed. I guess I’m working alone.

“Rainah, who is your partner?” Mr. Haynes asked, walking up to my desk.

“I don’t have one.” I said, looking at the ground.

“Yes, you do.”

I looked up at him, confused. “Huh?”

“Me.” He said, grinning at his brilliant idea. His smile was contagious.

“So what song do you want to do?” I asked him as he pulled up a chair next to mine.

“I don’t know, do you want to do a song that is already a duet?”

“That’d probably be easier.”

We spent the next two periods trying to think of a good song or at least an artist.  At the end, we settled on something by Lady Antebellum.

In gym, we did swimming races. I hated it.

I was walking home today. It was cold and windy.

A red Jeep pulled up next to me. It was Will. He rolled down the window.

“You should’ve said you didn’t have a ride.” He said, gesturing for me to get in.

“I didn’t want to bother you.” I muttered. I jumped in and quickly shut the door to get away from the wind.

“I don’t mind.” He said quietly before changing the subject. “No car this week?”

“Nope, my mom went on another business trip but she took the car.”

“How are Sky and Lily getting to school?”


He nodded his head in approval.

We got to my house and there was no car in the driveway. Thank god!

“May I come in today?” he asked.

“Uh… I guess so…”  I bit my lip

“Do I make you nervous?” he smirked at me.

“No…” I trailed off. I mentally scolded myself, that was not convincing at all.

He laughed and I blushed.

“We need to pick a song.” He said as we walked into the house.

“I know.’ I replied, grabbing my mom’s laptop off the table and sitting on the couch. He came and sat next to me and leaned on me a bit so he could see. I tried to ignore the sparks as I got on Google.

“How about Need You Now?” I asked, biting my lip.

“I was thinking that or I Run To You.”

We spent a bit debating those two songs until Sky and Lily got home. Lily came in sniffling.

“What’s wrong, Lily?” I asked, making her sit on my other side.

“Vicky called me ugly again.” She said.

I sighed, this Vicky girl had been messing with Lily all of last year. It really pissed me off because I know how much other people can affect you. I don’t want Lily to have problems like me.

“Lily, you are beautiful and she is just jealous of you.” Will spoke up.

“Really?” she sniffled.

“Of course. Pinky promise.” He said.

She giggled and shook his pinky before running off. I turned and smiled at him.

“Thank you, I know it helps her to have other people tell her that.”

“No problem.” He said, smiling. “I need to get going. But I’ll pick you up tomorrow.”

I nodded and walked him out.

Later, I was making dinner while Sky and Lily watched TV.  We all froze when we heard a car in the driveway. We heard dad outside swearing that he couldn’t open the door.

“Rainah! Open the god damned door!” he slurred, banging on the door.

so my laptop is stupid and wouldnt let me post. i hope this works!

thanks for reading


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