chapter 13

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As he drove back to the apartment, we talked about the performances in class today, we both agreed that our favorite had to be two girls, Jenny and Fiona, who made a cover of “Thinking of You” by Katy Perry. They were really into it and they had threw in a few changes they had made.

When we got home, it took us three trips to get everything upstairs. Lily and Sky came to help after we went up the first time. Will complained as we put things away.

“This is why I don’t get groceries, its too much work.” He whined, jokingly.

“I assume you don’t eat out all the time,” I said, remembering his hot abs from swimming. “What else do you do?”

“I call my parents and tell them I can’t cook so I’m coming over.” He replied, chuckling.

“You know, you can still go over there and eat without us. We’d be okay with that.” I told him. I felt bad because that was probably when he got to see his family and I had taken that time away from him. I was taking everything from him.

“I know, I want to be here.“ he looked up at me with his burning eyes. “I’ll probably try to go over this weekend anyways.”

“Alright.” I said as we put the last of the groceries away. It was only 5:00 so I had a while before I started cooking.

We both sat on the couch and he grabbed the TV remote. “Want to watch a movie?”

“What movie?” I asked. To be honest I never really watched anything other then kid shows because I never had the time at home.

“You pick.”

“I haven’t seen many movies.”

“Even better. Go pick.” He said, gesturing towards a selection under his TV.

I looked through his movies, I saw things I didn’t know like Transformers, 2012, She’s The Man, Saw, Paranormal Activity, Mean Girls and Final Destination. I had heard of these ones but never seen them. There were a lot of things I had never heard of. But I did recognize Scream, a bunch of Harry Potter and a few assorted Disney movies.

I decided to try something new for once. But I had to narrow down to what would be appropriate if Sky or Lily came in. with that in mind, I gave him She’s The Man. It sounded funny to me.

“Have you seen this one?” he asked as he turned it on.

“No, I tried to keep in mind that Sky and Lily are still here. We can go through some of your horror selection when they’re not here.”

“You’d actually watch a horror movie?” he looked at me, surprised.

“Yeah, they don’t normally scare me.” I shrugged. I had probably seen worse things that were actually real in my own house. “Plus, the girls in these movies are dumb, I mean really, nothing they do ever has any thinking behind it.”

He laughed as the movie turned on.

Halfway through, I got up to start cooking. Will paused it saying that he wanted to learn how to cook.

“What did you want to eat?” I asked him.


“Alright.” I replied. “Get out two pots.” I grabbed the noodles, sauce and meatballs. “You’re doing noodles.”

I grabbed my pot and put in the sauce and meatballs before I turned on the stove.

I looked at Will and saw him carefully and slowly trying to put noodles in the pot he had filled with water. He only missed two noodles, I had expected them all to be on the ground.

Fifteen minutes later, I was setting the table while Will was dishing out the food. I saw him giving huge servings, I just looked at it and I knew I couldn’t eat that much.

“I’ll serve myself, call in Sky and Lily.” I said quickly. He nodded and went to get them. I gave myself a quarter of what everyone else had with no meatballs.

All four of us sat at the table and ate dinner, it reminded me of how a normal family would eat together. But of course, we were not a family at all.

Sky gave me a look about my food but I chose to ignore it. She knew about my eating disorder, it made her worried. But ive told her im fine and I can take care of myself.

We all talked and ate happily. Will joked around pretty much the entire time, we all kept laughing.

When we finished eating, I started doing the dishes but Will said he’d do it because I had done most of the cooking.

“Will, the least I could do is-“ I started to protest.

“Nope, its my house, my rules, therefore, I am doing the dishes.” He smirked. I think he enjoyed not letting me help out.

I groaned. “You’re impossible.”

“You love it.” He called as I walked out of the kitchen.

I laughed as I went to check in with the girls without Will there.

“Hey.” I said, walking into their room.

“Hi, Rain!” Lily said happily.

“Rainah, can I talk to you outside for a minute?” Sky asked. I knew she was being serious because she used my full name. She looked more stressed then normal and a bit angry. Sky has never been an angry person.

short upload, mainly a filler. sorry about that, spring break should give me more time to write and upload! thanks for your support and patientness 

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<3 Tori

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