Chapter 24

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“Hey, Rain!” Dani grabbed my arm as I entered the cafeteria the next day.

“Hey, Dani.” I greeted her.

“What’s up, girl?” she asked as we made our way to our normal table.

“Will asked me to be his girlfriend.” I blurted out before I could stop myself. I knew she would flip out and make a scene but she’d be pissed if I waited to tell her.

“HE WHAT?!?!” she screamed, whipping around to face me. For a second I thought she was mad but she squealed, jumping up and down, grinning like a fool. “I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! Told you so! wait, how’d it happen? Did he kiss you? Was it amazing?”

I laughed, trying not to think about all the people I knew were staring. “Calm down and I’ll tell you.”

I told her all about the music assignment, our song choices, him asking to kiss me and making me kiss him and him asking me to be his girlfriend. She just grinned, trying hard to keep quiet.

“Even though its been a day, he sounds like the sweetest guy ever.” She cooed after I finished.

“He is, I’m lucky.” I replied, smiling. I was lucky he wanted someone as messed up and broken as m.

“So is he.” She added. “Are you guys going to go out on a date?”

“I’m not sure.” I said. He hadn’t asked me yet, maybe he would be embarrassed to go out with me.

The bell rung and we both got up.

“Aw but I wasn’t done my interrogation.” Dani whined as we walked.

“You still have gym class.” I reminded her, chuckling.

“Right. Bye, Rain!” she exclaimed as we neared music class. She went off skipping to art.

“Hello, Mr. Haynes.” I greeted him as I walked into the classroom.

“Ms. Carson.” He nodded at me.

“Hey, Rainah.” Natalie said as I sat next to her.

“Hello, Natalie.” I replied, offering her a small smile.

I took out a notebook and started doodling until Will started class. I didn’t want to have a forced awkward exchange with Natalie, we had nothing really to talk about.

After the bell rung, Will came in the room, shutting the door behind him. “So i doubt you guys will like this assignment, there’s a lot less freedom. I have chosen a song specifically for each one of you to perform. You probably won’t know the song either.”

A bunch of people groaned, including Natalie.

Will waited until the groans had stopped before he continued.

“You will be performing them on Friday.” He stated. “Also on Friday afterschool, I’ll be holding auditions for the school’s talent show. I encourage you all to audition and if you do, it’s extra credit.”

He then had everyone get in line to get a slip of paper that had their song on it. I bet he did that just to see people reactions.

“Ah, Ms. Carson, here.” He smirked and handed me my slip.

Rainah, try to have fun with this song!

Wannabe by the Spice Girls

I was pretty sure I had heard the song but I didn’t know the words at all and some of the rhythms. I wasn’t horribly concerned though, at least I had heard of it.

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