Chapter 22

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please read my note at the bottom! enjoy!

***WILL’S POV***

As I walked into the locker room, I couldn’t get what just happened out of my head.

Rainah said she liked me.

I said I like her which was a huge under statement. I was in love with her. I didn’t want to overwhelm her.

She let me kiss her and it was amazingly satisfying considering I had been wanting to kiss her since the first time we spoke. I did have to restrain myself though, I didn’t want to get carried away with her.

What I had to figure out though was where this left us. I figured we could talk more before the girls came home.

I changed quickly into swim trunks and tried to focus on teaching this class.

“Tomorrow we start soccer.” I announced once most of the class was by the pool. “Today is our last day swimming, so i want you all to time your laps so that you can try to beat them after school.”

In reality, I knew not many would remember their times and actually try to beat them but I had nothing better planned, I honestly had no idea how to teach a gym class.

In college, I majored in music and education. I never took a course related to gym class. But when I was interviewed for a teaching position here, the principle said I could have the job if, and only if, I taught PE as well. Due to issues with budgets, the school was unable to hire someone more suited.

Basically the principle said that I looked young and healthy so I was fit for the position.

I sent them off to work in pairs, one timing the other than they would switch positions.

I tried to focus on observing and recording grades but I kept stealing glances at Rainah. I kept wondering what she was thinking about and what she was feeling.

“Haynes,” two guys approached me. “We finished. Can we go off the high dive?”

“Sure, just don’t die.” I replied, only half-joking.

They grinned. “Awesome.”

 I watched them as they took turns doing flips and dives. After a few times, a bunch of others joined them. It was mostly guys but a few girls jumped off as well.

The rest of class was uneventful really, I was glad when it was time to go change.

I practically ran to my car when it was time to go. I saw Rainah get into Xavier’s car as I went to my jeep. I wished she could ride with me but that is way too much of a risk that we’d get in trouble.

The drive home was quick, thankfully. Rainah was sitting with Xavier in the car when I parked. They both got out when I did.

“Mom wants you all over on Wednesday for dinner.” Xavier said, looking between Rainah and I.

“Sounds good to me.” I said easily.

“Good.” He looked at Rainah. “Text me later tonight.”

She blushed. “Alright.”

Xavier then left and we went up to the apartment.  I shut the door before I turned to face Rainah.

I looked into her eyes and debated kissing her again. I slowly leaned towards her, watching her eyes for any sign of fear. She smiled in encouragement.

I pressed my lips gently to hers and her immediate response was to pull me closer. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she played with my hair.

I got lost in the moment and licked her lip, asking for entrance. I was about to stop but she opened her mouth.

Behind Closed Doors (studentxteacher) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now