Chapter 16

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thank you guys so much for the feedback and support! <3


“Hey Dan-Dan.” I said, as I sat next to Dani at lunch.

“Watch it Ray.” She smirked and threw a chip at my forehead.


Dani gave me an apple and made me have a few bites of her sandwhich. We laughed and talked happily. I think it had been a while since she didn’t have to do her damage control and worry about me, it was really nice.

The bell rung and we got up to leave.

“Are we going to gym today?” she asked as we walked out of the cafeteria.

“I think so.” I replied. The cuts had firmly scabbed over so it was highly likely I would be in class today.

“Well, I’ll see you then!” she said with way too much energy. She skipped off to the direction of her art class.

I smirked as I walked to music, I’m glad I have a friend like Dani.

I cleared my facial expression as I walked into music class. Will wasn’t in the room yet.

Good thing too because someone was standing by where I normally sat, Liz. She sneered at me and waved me over.

I don’t know what made me go over but I listened. I sat next to her, I was tense and I just looked straight ahead, never at her.

“What’s wrong Rainah? You scared?” she snickered.

“Never of you.” I said, coldly, suprising myself. Why would I say something like that? That was asking for even more trouble.

“Oh really?” she asked after a second. I glanced over and saw her fist flying at my face. I cringed away slightly.

Her fist stopped a few inches away from my face.

“Pathetic. You won’t defend yourself.” She said. “I bet your brother and your daddy always defend you. Oh wait, your brother is dead. He killed himself, like a coward.”

That hit me hard. It was like a ton of bricks being dropped on me. My father defending me? That was a sick joke. And Ash? He is the bravest person I knew. I was the coward.

The class had gone silent as everyone watched. I felt tears trying so hard to escape. I needed to get out of here before I broke down.

“Alright guys, sorry I’m-“ Will entered the classroom but I sprinted out before I could hear another word.

I ran down the hallway to the closest girls bathroom and locked a stall door. I slid onto the ground with my head resting on my knees.

I tried to muffle my sobs against my knees as tears poured out of my eyes. In this moment, I hated my life, I hated myself and I just wanted to scream in frustration.

Why me? What have I done to deserve this shitty life I’m living?

I tried to take deep breaths and control my sobs. At least then, I was just crying quietly.

Ash, I need you.

Ash, I need you.

Ash, I need you.

“Rainah?” he called, standing outside of the stall.

Will, I’m scared to admit how much I need you.

“Unlock the door, please.” He said with a pleading edge.

I took a shaky breath and reached up to unlock the door, I didn’t want to get up.

“Hi, Will.” I said, tears still falling.

He looked pained when he saw me, then I saw anger in his eyes.

“Are you mad at me?” I asked, in a small voice.

He shook his head. “I’m mad at Liz. The entire class told me what happened, I sent her to the office but I feel like that’s not good enough.”

“It’s fine.”

“No, it’s not.” He replied, giving me a look that screamed ‘are you serious’.

“Can we talk about this later?” I asked. “Aren’t you supposed to be teaching?”

“Shouldn’t you be in class?” he countered, offering me a hand.

I gave him a small smile as he helped me up. I grabbed a paper towel and wiped my eyes off, I somehow stopped crying.

I looked in the mirror for a split second before Will grabbed my hand again and pulled me out of the bathroom. He let go of me the second we were in the hallway.

We walked back to his classroom silently. Before I walked in the door, I composed myself, or I at least tried.

Will walked back to the front of the room as I made my way to my seat. Next to me now sat Natalie. I sighed, now she was going to harass me to? Great.

Will started rambling about something to the class, I kind of just tuned him out, I could ask him what he was talking about later.

“Are you okay?” Natalie whispered to me. Why the hell did she care? Sure, she has defended me a few times but she has never made an effort to actually talk to me.

“I’m fine.” I replied quietly.

“I can’t believe Liz would ever say anything that mean to you. I’m so sorry, Rainah. She’s been such a bitch lately.” She was sort of rambling, maybe she did actually feel bad.

“She’s normally mean but this is the first time she brought my brother into it.” I told her.

“I know, she went way too far.”

The bell rung and people started rushing out, in a hurry to be on time for their next class.

“Can I sit with you tomorrow?” Natalie asked as she stood up to leave. “I am done with Liz.”

“Um, sure.” I stuttered in surprise.

She smiled at me. “Thanks. Bye, Rainah!”

Once the class had completely cleared out, Will approached me. He watched me carefully as if I was going to break down again.

“What did she say to you exactly?” he asked curiously.

“She thinks that my dad and my brother fight my battles for me,” I rolled my eyes at the idea of my father fighting for me. “then she remembered that Ash ‘killed himself’ and is a coward for that.”

He just sighed and rubbed his forehead. “Some people are little bitches, Liz is definetly one of them. Why would she even think its okay to bring up Ash? That’s just damn stupid.”

I smirked slightly at his frustration, in a weird way I found it a bit attractive. “Sorry for running out.”

“Rainah, if I were you I would’ve punched her in the face.”

“I’ll try that next time.” I replied, only half joking. “What did you want to do today?”

he grinned. “Swimming.”

“Do we have to?” I groaned.

“Yup, let’s go.” He chuckled and walked out of the classroom. I sighed and followed behind him to the locker rooms.

soooo who remembers the thing with Liz and Natalie earlier?

the uploads are shorter because im trying to always have something prewritten.

thank you all so much for sticking with me and this story!



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