Chapter 49

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The next month and a half passed.

Liz hadn’t said anything to anyone that I had heard of. She would sometimes stare at Will or me but she never said anything. She generally left me alone.

My father hadn’t appeared anywhere. I wasn’t relaxing because I knew he wouldn’t just give up. He had to have a plan to get what he wanted.

Treatment had it’s ups and downs. I currently weighed 112 pounds.  I was struggling to put on more weight which led to arguments in team meetings. I didn’t understand why I wasn’t gaining.

Bethany and David bought me a car. They let me pick out a silver four door truck that had called to me. I loved it.

Will had helped me fill out applications to a few colleges. I had a huge audition for Berklee today. I was incredibly nervous.

I was currently driving my truck, Will was sitting in the passenger seat. He had skipped school with me to go to the audition. The drive itself was two hours. It was Friday, a day before my birthday.

He and I hadn’t done much for valentines day because we were doing things tomorrow.

“Could you drive any slower?” he teased me.

“It’s called a speed limit, ever heard of it?” I chuckled. He loved making fun of my driving.

“Nope.” He smirked.

I stared at the road ahead.

Should I really do this? Just throw myself out there and hope I’m good enough? Could I even do it? I feared I would choke. What if my best isn’t good enough? I don’t know where I would go from there.

The other people I will watch will have more experience and confidence then me. They have worked their entire lives. How can I compete with that?

I couldn’t, I knew that. I won’t be fooling anyone. It will be a joke for the judges. Just an amateur trying to become something huge.

Maybe I should just turn around now to save myself the humiliation. We shouldn’t drive there if I wasn’t going to make it.

“Your hands are shaking, love.” Will placed a hand over one of mine.

“I can’t do this, Will.”

He was quiet for a minute. “Pull over.”


“You heard me, pull over.” He repeated.

I sighed and pulled over.

“Look me in the eyes and tell me you can’t do it.” He said.

“I…can’t go through with this.” I bit my lip, I was only able to look at him briefly.

“You’re right.” He agreed, surprisingly. “You can’t. Let’s just turn around and go home.”

I stared at him and felt a wave of anger. He was supposed to disagree and tell me I was dead wrong. Why wasn’t he? Unless he always knew I couldn’t do it, he just wanted to humor me.

“No. I have worked hard for this. We are going.” I declared, firmly. I wanted to prove him wrong, I could do this.

“Damn right.” He grinned at me.

“Okay, I’m lost.” I didn’t understand him at the moment.

“Part of you knows you can do this, that part wanted to fight me for saying you couldn’t.” he explained. “I know you can do it. I just got you to see that as well. Reverse psychology.”

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