Chapter 44

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Will had to wake me up twice more because of my own night terrors. I had been thrashing and crying in my sleep. The dreams had been about my father getting Sky and Lily.

I didn’t cut though, I didn’t even try to get up and run for the bathroom. I’m sure I would’ve cut if he hadn’t been with me.

“Good morning, beauty.” Will kissed me before plating soft kisses down my neck to my collarbone.

I shuddered and brought his lips back to mine. We were both smiling.

“Care for some breakfast?” he asked, breathless.

I noticed two plates on my desk. They had fruit and cinnamon rolls. They smelled delicious.

“You brought me breakfast?” I asked as he handed me a plate and a cup of coffee. He sat next to me on the bed, eating his food.

“You had a rough night, I wanted you to relax today.” He shrugged as if it wasn’t a huge deal to him.

“Thank you.” I smiled at him. “What time is it?”

“Quarter after ten.” He stifled a yawn.

Quickly doing some math, I figured I had gotten five hours of sleep, Will probably got the same amount.

I looked at him closely and noticed the slight bags under his eyes.

“Did you get any sleep after I went out with Lily?” I asked, curiously.

“No, but I’m fine.” He smiled. “But that is why we both have huge coffee cups.”

I smiled slightly, he was so sweet with me with the way he woke me up to how much he cared for me. I still felt bad that he didn’t get much sleep but I knew he was okay with it.

“What do you guys normally do on thanksgiving?” I asked, taking a bite of the cinnamon roll.

“We play football and have a feast.”

“Why football?”

“Because it’s fun.” He chuckled. “My mom asked me to offer you to play, if you wanted. I think she and Lily will be cooking. Sky wants to play.”

“I want to try.” I told him. I figured it could be fun. “When are we doing this?”

“This afternoon. It’s raining so it’s going to be incredibly muddy.” He grinned in excitement.

When we finished eating, he took the plates and cups downstairs while I got dressed.

Downstairs, Xavier and Will were making teams for football, Bethany and David talked in the kitchen.

“Hey, where are the girls and Zoey?” I asked the guys.

“In the basement watching a parade on TV.” Will answered.

“I’m splitting you and Will up for the game.” Xavier told me.

“So I get to tackle him?” I grinned.

“Go for it.” He laughed.

Bethany told everyone that we shouldn’t eat a huge lunch so that we would be starving by dinner.

When it was time to play, it was still pouring outside. Zoey gave Sky and I raincoats.

In the front yard, we got into our teams. Xavier, David and I made one team, Zoey, Sky and Will made another.

“You can run fast, right?” Xavier asked me, fighting to be heard against the rain.

“I guess so.” I yelled back.

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