Chapter 33

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this was incredibly rushed because im leaving on vacation tomorrow, i plan on editing this when i get back!

My heart was pounding in fear, my breathing was uneven and I was trembling. Why was he here? Was he planning on taking Lily?

I needed to get her before he could. He would not touch her.

Will swore and jammed the brakes.

Without thinking, I jumped out of the car and jogged to the entrance. I was probably 20 feet away from him and kids weren’t coming out yet.

We had been early, I mentally slapped myself because now I was stuck out here with him to wait. A few other parents stood scattered around waiting.

The logical side of me said there was no way my dad would do anything to me or her in front of such a public place. If he was planning on grabbing Lily, he must’ve had a well thought out plan on how to keep it from looking suspicious.

But when he looked at me, I wasn’t sure if he was thinking straight. His eyes were red and he swayed on his feet, he was drunk.

His cold black eyes made me shudder as they took in my appearance. He took a step towards me and I took two steps back before I ran into someone.

I quickly looked behind me and saw Will, glaring at my father.

The bell rung and kids ran out, laughing happily. They were oblivious to the dangerous man they ran around. Will and my dad didn’t move, they stared each other down.

I moved away from Will and closer to the door to get ready to grab Lily but my dad grabbed my arm. His grip was strong and tight, I instantly knew it would leave marks.

I wanted to struggle and try to break free but that would draw too much attention. What if he had a weapon? I was assuming he had some kind of gun or knife on him.

“Get your hand off of her.” Will said, walking closer to us.

My father looked around and squeezed my arm tightly one more time before letting go.

“Another time then.” He said to Will and he walked away from the school to his car.

Will kept his eyes trained on my father’s car as it drove away and I found Lily, skipping out of the building.

“Hi, Rain!” she chirped happily.

I forced myself to smile back. She wasn’t going to find out about this yet, not until I talked to David and Bethany.

“Hey, Lily. How was your day?” I asked, taking her hand as Will led the way to the Jeep.

“It was good! I got a perfect score on my spelling test.” She said, proudly, hopping into the car.

“That’s great!” I told her.

I noticed as Will started to drive that he couldn’t relax, neither could I. Another time meant he’d try this again.

Lily ran ahead of us inside to tell everyone about her test score.

“Never do something like that again.” Will said when he opened my door for me.

“What are you talking about?”

“Just jumping out by yourself with no plan! He could’ve grabbed you! Did you even think about that?” he raised his voice at me.

“My main concern was Lily. I can’t let him get to her. It was a split second decision that could’ve saved her.” I told him, calmly.

“You should’ve had a plan with me.” He insisted. “That decision could’ve killed you and her.”

Behind Closed Doors (studentxteacher) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now