Chapter 7

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the girls went to bed at 10:30. I was so tired and I was positive that the dreams would be horrific.

“I’ll sleep out here if you want.” Will offered, watching me. Did he know I was about to fall apart?

I didn’t have the energy to argue so I just nodded. Besides, I really just wanted to go cry alone.

“Thank you…for everything tonight.” I needed to thank Will for saving me tonight. He was truly amazing

“Any time.” He replied, smiling.

I was about to leave when I remembered something. “How did you know to come tonight?”

“Sky called me off of your phone.” He replied.

That’s weird. Why did she choose him out of my contacts? Of course we had discussed that going to the police wasn’t the best idea because we would be separated and placed into foster care. She doesn’t know him that well. She could’ve called mom or our neighbors or Dani, who she has met a couple times.

I quickly decided not to over think that or I would jump to conclusions. Besides, I was lucky anyone came in time.

I quickly said goodnight and went to change into a t-shirt and shorts. I crawled onto his bed and curled into a ball, lying on my side.

I was almost raped by my father, I thought. This kept repeating it self in my head over and over again. It just didn’t sound real at first but then it hit me with full force.

I felt the tears start falling quickly and I just cried into my pillow, trying to hold back the sobs that were trying to escape. But that didn’t seem to help. So I buried my head in the pillow and sobbed.

The door opened and closed shut again. I didn’t turn to it, but I knew it was Will. He had know I was going to break down. The bed dipped and he pulled me into his lap. His arms wound around me as he rocked me gently.

“I-I’m so s-sorry.” I got out through the sobs.

“Don’t apologize. Let it out, its okay. I’m here for you.” He murmured in my ear. “Cry until you can’t any more, it helps to get it all out.”

I don’t know how long we sat there with me crying and him rocking me and rubbing my back, but I just cried. I cried for my brother, for my messed up family, for my eating disorder and for possibly falling for my teacher.

“Can I ask you a few questions?” he asked, when I had calmed down slightly. He was still holding onto me.

I took a shaky breath and decided he had a right to now some things since he did help us out tonight. It was only fair.

“Okay.” I whispered in reply. I was still nervous to tell him anything, too many bad possibilities of what could result.

“Is the… abuse a regular thing?”

“Yes, but that was the first sexual thing.” I cringed. “The beatings happen when he is home which is 3 to 5 times a week. My mother takes some of them but I try to keep her, Lily and Sky untouched. I refuse to let him touch my sisters.”

He seemed to take a second to process this before continuing. “Who is Ash?”

“My twin brother… he…” I started. Will gave me a gentle squeeze of comfort. “He died saving me. I will never forgive myself for that. It was all my fault.”

“If he died sacrificing himself for you then it was his decision. You didn’t have control of his actions.” Will told me.

I thought about that, I had never considered it like that. I couldn’t have stopped him, it was his choice. But I wouldn’t think about that too hard right now.

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