Chapter 11

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My alarm went off at 6. I quickly shut it off and woke Rainah. She jumped up and went to wake Sky and Lily while I showered. I quickly got dressed in black jeans and a navy polo.

I went back out and saw Sky and Lily both dressed and throwing things in their backpacks. Rainah was helping them, still in her pajamas.

“Rainah, go get changed. I’ll find breakfast.” I told her.

She nodded a quick thank you and went back into the bedroom.

I headed in to the kitchen and remembered the stash of pop tarts I keep around. I used to have an obsession with them.

“You guys like pop tarts?” I asked, holding up the box.


it was lunchtime. I had just stepped into the cafeteria when someone launched themselves at me.

I panicked. Who was on me? What did they want from me? My breathing got faster. The person was still on me, not letting me go.

The person pulled back. I relaxed when I saw it was Dani.

“Do you have any idea how freaked I was?” she asked, grabbing my shoulders. “Never mind that. Are you okay?”

“I’m sorry I didn’t call. Everything was just insane.”

“How bad is it?” she watched me carefully.

“Well…” I trailed off, there was no point in lying but it wasn’t easy to talk about.

Dani sensed this and dragged me into the girls bathroom. She locked the door so no one could come in. “Tell me everything.”

So I did. I told her everything about Will saving me from being raped, our mini fight about where I would live, Zoey and Xavier and him offering me to live there. She just listened silently but I saw flickers of emotion; anger, frustration, sadness and surprise. I knew that she would ask questions once I was done.

“What about your mom?” she asked first.

“She couldn’t take it anymore so she just left.” I replied bitterly. If I ever saw her again, I would never forgive her.

“You really like him don’t you?” she asked, staring at me intently.

I sighed, I was slowly falling for him. “Yes, I do.” I whispered. “But what does it matter if he doesn’t feel the same way.”

“I’ll bet he does.”

“No, he doesn’t.” I said, ending this conversation. Will could not and would not ever like me.

***WILL’S POV***

the bell rung, signaling the end off my lunch period. I threw out my trash from the shitty school lunch I bought and got ready for my next class, Rainah’s class.

She walked in, hiding behind a wave of her long straight hair. Why was she hiding, I wondered silently.

I allowed myself to throw her a smile, I was careful to try to not make it look like I view her differently then other students. I didn’t want people to be suspicious.

“Alright, performance time!” I called out, once the bell had rung. Everyone was seated. “Who would like to go first?”

I watched a lot of performances and they were, for the most part, pretty good. A few people were a bit off pitch and only one had forgotten the lyrics.  So far, it was better than two of my classes earlier in the day.

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