Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Will had dinner with us before he left to go get ready with Shane. He still felt bad about my dream so I felt a bit guilty.

I hung out with Xavier in his room to pass the time. I didn't want to think about Will, drinking and talking to other women.

"I was thinking about coming out to my dad this weekend." Xavier told me, he had taken a break from painting and was now sketching on a small notepad. We sat on his bed.

"That's great! Are you nervous?" I asked him curiously.

"Only a little bit, my dad is pretty understanding." he replied.

"Why are you so nervous about telling Will?"

"He'll be angry that I felt I couldn't talk to him. We used to be so close and I know he won't be happy that we've drifted because of his. He would have wanted to help me through it but I didn't let him."

I nodded in understanding.

"Don't move, you'll mess up the sketch." he said.

"You're drawing me?" I asked.

"Why else would I have you in here?" he smirked. I went to hit him. "No moving."

"But I don't want to be your model." I groaned.

"Chill out, you look fine."

Because I had nothing better to do, I sat there and let him finish.

Just as he finished, my phone rang. I expected it to be Will or Dani but it was a random number.

"Hello?" I answered.

"I found your mother, she told me who you're with and I now know where you are. Expect a visit soon." my father said before he hung up.

His voice had been smooth, there was no slur. He was sober this tim

The phone slipped from my hand as I heard the dial tone.

How much of what he said had been true? He could've just wanted to freak me out or he could actually know this information. Would he try to find David and Bethany and hurt them? Would he show up here and take the girls or myself? If he was coming, how soon was soon?

Maybe I should ask them to keep Sky and Lily while I go to my father. Maybe if he had me, he'd leave them alone.

"Rainah?" Xavier called. I held up a hand, asking him to give me a minute. I took a few deep breaths before I spoke.

"That was my dad. He said he knows who I'm with and where I am. He told me to expect a visit soon." I told him.

He grabbed my hand and led me downstairs to find Bethany and David in the living room. After I recapped for them, David and Xavier went around the house, locking all the doors and windows just in case he meant tonight. Bethany and I sat and talked.

"Tomorrow I'm going to get a security system installed on the house." she said. "I don't want the police involved until I have guardianship, even then I'd hesitate."

"I'm sorry that you got involved with us. I bet you had no idea it would be this difficult." I sighed. "Your family is in danger as long as I am here, if I let him get me he'd leave you all alone."

"Rainah, I do not regret taking you three in." she said, firmly. "No one here would let him get you even if you wanted to go to him."

"Damn right we wouldn't. " Xavier chimed in as he entered the room.

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