Painful Pasts

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Chapter 9:

A soft breeze brushed though my hair as I looked out towards the green luscious garden. Muffled music floated in the air which mixed with leave rustling. I ran my hand along the cold patio, picking at small pieces of grass that grew in between the stones. Pushing my back further into wall behind me I wrapped my arms around my legs, drawing them into my body and closed my eyes.

I don't know how long I sat there, my eyes closed focusing on the leaves rustling in the wind through the faint beat of the music. Then the music got louder and clearer for a moment before going back to being muffled. I thought I was hearing things before I heard a shuffle of feet. Opening my eyes I looked up at the door to my left, which had a shadow standing in front of it looking around. The figure turned towards me and walked forward, the person's face coming into the moonlight.


Thank God it wasn't Corey...

"Hey girl, are you alright?" Hattie asked as the sat down next to me. "You gave us quite a scare, we've been looking for you for ages."

"Haha...I don't know, I just-argh," I put my head into my knees, signing. "I don't know what happened, all the pain and emotion that I had buried from when Callan dumped me just came crashing down on me again. I just got so scared I couldn't do it."

The pressure started to build on the bridge of my nose, making me look up to the sky to stop the tears from welling over.

Damn alcohol making my emotions so sensitive!

"I didn't want to get hurt like that again."

Putting a comforting hand on my shoulder Hattie said," it's normal to be like that. Anyway I don't think Corey would ever do that to anyone, especially you."

I looked up at her, my dirty blonde hair falling around my face.

He'll never like me now, not after this...

"So you do like him then?" Hattie said smiling.

My eyes widened,"I said that out loud!"

"Yes you did," her smile growing she continued,"don't worry I won't tell anyone."

Stretching my legs out on the floor, I looked at my hands mumbling, "I like Corey...I actually like Corey..."

" you've finally realised that, will you come back to the party?"

"What do you mean finally?"

"Come on, everyone has been shipping you two for ages and it's obvious you like each other. It was just only a matter of time before one of you told us you like the other." She said like it was obvious.

"Oh...well I'm going to stay out here for another five minutes then I'll come back."

"Ok, we'll be in the basement. See ya," she said while standing up and walking back into the house.


After gathering my thoughts I stood up ready to go back to the party. Stretching my legs out from sitting on the ground for so long, I walked over to the back door.

Maybe I should get waisted so I can forget this ever happene-

Suddenly I crashed into something hard. Stumbling back I looked up, my eyes became caught in Corey's dark chocolaty brown orbs. His big hands were holding the side of my arms gently as I regained my balance.

"Hey, are you alright?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.

Awee so cute!

"Um...yeah thanks," I said weakly, my gaze still fixed on his.

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