Chapter 16

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"What... Why?" Uri asks with hurt in his eyes.
"I can't keep hurting you, I can't keep letting you worry about me and I can't keep my promise." I look down with tears threatening to spill.
"What promise?"
I take a deep breathe, "One day there's gonna be a time where I can't have anything else to help me but cut. I can't keep the promise to stop because we both know if you didn't take that knife off me I would of cut again."
Uri, no Uriah looks taken back. He looks sad and I can see the tears in his eyes. I need to end this.
"We have to break up, I'm sorry." I say and run, more like sprint to my car.
Once I'm in my car, I let the tears come. They keep coming and coming, they don't stop and I don't care that I'm missing school.
I don't know how long I've been in my car crying when someone knocks on my window. I look up and see all the girls. I unlock my car to let them be in, they climb in with Christina in the passenger seat. She's the first to speak.
"We heard what happened. The boys are with Uriah." At the sound of his name I burst into more tears. The girls come closer to me, trying to come comfort me but it's not working. Once I've calmed down a little I start to talk.
"I just couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't keep him worrying and hurting, I couldn't keep the promise of not cutting." I whisper.
"How's he doing?" I ask. They look at each other before answering. What's going on?
"He won't talk to anyone, he's just crying. The boys are trying to comfort him but he won't let anyone." As soon as Lynn says it, I burst into more tears.
"I need to go home, I'll see you at the game tonight." I tell them.
"We can come home with you and we can all get ready together." Shauna suggests. We all nod and I start to drive.

*Time lapse brought to you by memory serum!!*

The girls and I are nearly ready for the game. Christina did my make up since we are going to a party afterwards. I tried to refuse because I'm not in a party mood but the girls wouldn't budge. For makeup Chris did dark purple eyeshadow, with black eyeliner, waterproof mascara and dark purple lipstick. Marlene did my hair in a high pony tail with the ends curled so I can take it out straight afterwards. Finally Shauna picked out my outfit for the party but for the game I'm obviously wearing my cheer uniform. All the girls have similar make up on except Chris' is pink, Marlene's is dark blue, Shauna's is silver and Lynn refused to have hers done and threatened them which made me laugh a little. Just before we leave I get a call from Zeke, I sigh and answer.
"Hello." I say.
"Hi, how are you?" He asks, his voice filled with concern.
"Not the best as you can probably guess." The girls look at me, asking me who's on the phone, I mouth Zeke and they all nod.
"Are you still going to the game?" I hear hope in his voice now.
"Yep, can't miss it and then the girls are dragging me to a party." I say rolling my eyes even though he can't see me.
"The girls didn't tell you whose party it is, did they?" He says.
"No." I'm getting suspicious.
"It's mine."
"WHAT?!" I yell.
"Sorry, see you at the game!" Zeke says quickly and hangs up the phone.
I give the girls death glares and they shrink back.
"You guys didn't tell me the party was at Zeke's and might I add Uriah's!" I say, trying not to choke on his name.
"Well we better get going." Christina uses a fake excuse and laughs nervously. I follow then to my car and we drive to Candor High, where our game is.
We get out of the car, me still mad at the girls, and head towards the footy field. As soon as we're there, we get rushed to the cheer squad to start stretching.

It's half time and the score is 20-16 our way. So far I haven't seen Uriah but just before the cheer dance starts I make eye contact with him and it takes every inch of me to not burst out crying. We run out onto the field and get into positions, me being at the front as I'm the captain. For this game we decided to add a bit more hip hop into our dance which I was really excited about. Our remixes start and so do we. (Remix at top or side)
In our routine we crump, add a lot of hip hop moves which involve uses our hips, flips, kicks and lifts. We end in a pyramid, with me on top. Everyone cheers for us and I feel amazing, the rush I get when dancing and cheering feels I can't even describe!! I go into a cradle to get down and two boys catch me. I wait for the girls and we head back over to the sidelines to watch the rest of the game. Candor High's cheer squad, the Lie Detectors do their routine and I have to say we were much better!! Finally both football teams come back onto the field and play the last half.
WE WON!! YAY!!! The final score was 36-20. The girls and I high five and hug then go to the change rooms. Shauna hands me my dress and my jaw drops. It's a black dress that's barley covers my boobs, goes down to right under my ass and has crosses out of the back.
"I can't wear this!!" I say to her, she shrugs.
"You have to!" Shauna insists. I sigh and try it on. It's doesn't look too bad but it does make me look like half a prostitute. The others put there dresses on, even Lynn, and they look beautiful!! (Picture up top or side!) We touch up our hair and makeup.
"Let's go!!" Squeals Christina. I give her a glare because I'm not ready to face him or anyone for that matter. We get to the Pedrad's house and already see disco lights and I can hear music blasting. I hop out of the car and smell alcohol, disgusted I follow the girls lagging behind with Lynn.
"If you're not ready to interact with anyone else, just hang with me the whole night." Lynn whispers, I nod and smile showing my appreciation. I open the door and the music nearly makes me go death. Right now Anaconda by Nicki Minaj is playing and basically everyone on the dance floor are either twerking or grinding. I spot Zeke twerking with Shauna laughing her head off and point my finger at the scene, Lynn immediately starts cracking up laughing.
After a couple of hours, I haven't seen Uriah which is good. Lynn and I have just be talking nearly the whole time, I've had a few drinks so I'm a bit tipsy but not drunk. A microphone screeches, Lynn and I put our hands over our ears.
"IF I DONT KNOW YOU, GET OUT! IF I DO KNOW YOU PLEASE JOIN EVERYONE DOWNSTAIRS IN THE BASEMENT FOR SOME PARTY GAMES!!" Zeke yells and a lot of people groan and head out the door. Lynn and I make our way down to the basement and that's when I finally see him, Uriah. I can't take it Lynn looks at me just as I start to run back upstairs and without even realising it, I run into Uriah's room and lock the door.

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