Chapter 30

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~2 weeks later~

Me- Hi Chris, can u please come over?

A couple of minutes she replies.

Chris- Sure can! What's up?
Me- I'll tell you when you're here.
Chris- See you soon xo

I run the the bathroom and throw up, again. For the 100th time this week.
Christina shows up 10 minutes later and comes up to my room because the doors unlocked. She sees me in the bathroom and gets a worried look on her face.
"What's wrong hon?" She asks, concerned.
"I've been throwing up for the past few days." I cough and throw up again.
"Have you and Uriah done it?" I nod and her eyes widen.
"When? I want all the details!!" She squeals as I roll my eyes.
"Christina this is not the time for that!" I scold.
"Sorry." She helps me back up to my bed and lays me down.
"I'll go to the shops and buy some tests." I nod and she runs to the elevator.
I here her car pull out of the driveway.
A few minutes later my phone buzzes and says that I've got a text from Uriah.

Uri- Baby, why aren't you at school?
Me- Just not feeling well, I should be there tomorrow😘
Uri- Hope you feel better. Love you💞💞
Me- Love you too❤️💚

Christina comes rushing through the door as soon as I put my phone down.
"I got three just in case!" She nearly yells. I scowl at her again and she shrinks back. Chris quickly gives me the tests and I head to the bathroom.
(I don't know how this works so sorry if I get it wrong!)
I pee on each little stick thingy and set my timer.
Waiting sucks.
It takes the life away from you.
Waiting makes you more and more anxious.
Like waiting to know if you're about to die or not.
My timer goes off and I bite my lip. I walk slowly to the sink and look.

1. Positive
2. Negative
3. Positive

SHIT!! What the fuck do I do now? Tears run down my face and Christina runs into the bathroom. When she sees me crying she walks quickly over to the tests and her eyes turn to confusion.
"We need to go to the hospital." She says and I quickly shake my head.
"No! What if I'm pregnant? I'm not ready! I don't even have a mother to show me the ropes." I burst into more tears. Chris gives me a quick hug.
"Tris that's why we need to go to the hospital. We need to find out if you are actually pregnant. These tests are sometimes wrong!" She explains.
I finally agree and we head straight to the hospital. God I hate hospitals.
When we arrive, we go to the front desk.
"Hello how may I help you?" The lady's name tag says Brittany.
"Tris Prior has an appointment." Chris says and points to me. I give her a confused look.
"Oh yes! Go take a seat and the doctor will be with you right away!" Wow she's perky.
We go take a seat and few minutes later the doctor calls my name.
"Hi I'm Doctor Brown and I believe you want an ultrasound." I nod my head.
"Please lay down on the table." I do as he says.
Doctor Brown applies the cold cream on my stomach which makes me jump a bit.
After looking around with the stick thing he wipes it off and says to sit up.
"Tris you aren't pregnant, the ultrasound shoes no signs of human life." A huge weight lifts off my shoulders.
"You're free to go." I thank him and walk out with Christina.
"OMG you're not pregnant!" Christina breaks the silence.
"Thank the lord!!" I yell once we're in the car park. We get weird stares but who cares.
"Ooh now I want all the details!!" Typical Chris.
I know she won't give up so I tell her some details of what happened. NOT ALL!!
"So what  do you want to do for the rest of the day?" Chris ask and I shrug my shoulders.
"Wait then how come I've been throwing up?" I wonder out loud.
"Maybe you're just sick and should get some rest." That gives me a great idea!
"Let's have a Hunger Games Marathon!!" Chris agrees quickly and we drive home.
Chris goes to the mini kitchen in the theatre to get some snakes as I set the movies up.
Chris comes back with M&m's, skittles, ice cream and a few cans of soda.
We start watching The Hunger Games.

In the middle of watching Mockingjay Part 1, the door opens and Uriah comes through scaring the shit out of me!
"Hey baby!" He yells and Christina shushes him and points to the screen.
He tip toes to my seat and slides in next to me. Uri gives me a kiss on the cheek.
"Feeling better?" He whispers and I nod. I give him a peck on the lips and rest my head on his shoulder.
"I love you." I whisper.
"I love you too."
We kiss passionately.
"Guys get a room so I can focus on the movie." Christina interrupts.
"Oh please. You and Will do this all the time!" I see the blush creep into her cheeks as she shuts up and we continue finishing our marathon.

Sorry short chapter but there's more coming!

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