Chapter 29

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My eyes flutter open to another pair of eyes looking down at me. Those eyes belong to Uriah.
"Good morning beautiful." He smiles a cheeky grin.
"Morning handsome. How long have you been staring at me?" I ask.
""Not long." His deep red cheeks says other wise.
I look around and realise we're in my room.
"The gang's downstairs, I brought you up here last night."
"Thanks." I yawn and check my phone. 7:00am was the time.
"Time to get up." I roll my eyes and hop out of bed, running to the shower.
Uriah gets in front of me just before I head inside.
"May I join?" He grins cheekily again.
"If I say no, will I be able to shower?"
"What do you think?" I sigh and nod.
We both undress and jump under the hot water. Uriah's eyes don't leave mine. He can be a true gentleman, at times. Very rare times.
"You can look, if you want." I whisper and instantly feel the blood rush to my cheeks.
I feel his eyes travel done my body as mine do to his. When my eyes go back up to his face, he's already looking at me. He comes closer.
"You're beautiful." He whispers in my ear. I turn my head so our lips meet. 
It's gets heated quickly and I'm backed up into the wall. Uriah's lips connect to my sweet spot and I instantly moan. He looks down at our privates and then looks back at me.
"Are you sure?" I nod and connect my lips to his again.

Not going into too much detail.😅

"That was the best shower I've ever had." Uriah smirks as we get dressed for school.
As its a game day I have to wear my cheer uniform.
"Ready for the game, babe?" I give him another kiss. After our shower I feel like a whole new, better person.
"Hell yeah." We chuckle and head down to see the gang in my kitchen trying to make some breakfast.
"Good morning love birds!" Christina yells in a sing-song voice.
"Good morning!" We reply chirpily.
"Hey guys you're gonna burn the house down." Uriah gets glares from the gang. If looks could kill. He backs away with his hands up in surrender.
"Let's just go to Starbucks." I suggest and they all agree. I grab the keys to my 10 seater Jeep that I haven't used in a while.

After Starbucks we drive to school and all go to our lockers.
"Love you." Uri whispers in my ear. I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck. We lean in and meet in the middle. This goes on for a while until someone interrupts.
"Ms Prior and Mr Pedrad no PDA!" Ms Mattews nearly shouts.
No wonder she's still single. I hear Uri chuckle under his breath and realise I said that out loud. Obviously not too loud as Ms Mathews doesn't look too mad.
Th bell rings and we rush off to class together.

*Magical Uricorn Time lapse to Music period.*

"Good afternoon class." Tori greets us nicely unlike all the other teachers who are too busy stuffing their faces with rules and donuts.
"Today we will be presenting our mashups and I'm very excited to see who's is best."
Everyone starts to chit chat while Tori sorts out the mashups.
"Hey Tris, how'd you get that bruise on you neck?" Christina asks quietly but the gang can still hear. Shit! I didn't even realise I had a hickey!
"Oh I don't think it's a bruise." Zeke winks.
"Shut up Zeke! I burned myself with the straightener this morning!" Everyone laughs and makes little conversations.
"I don't think so." Christina whispers and I blush a deep red.
"Okay class our first mashup will be Zeke's. Surprisingly he did his homework this week." Tori shouts to get our attention and we all burst out in laughter, including Zeke.

After listening to a bunch of mashups, some were good and some sounded like cats dying, Tori finally decides who's was best.
"I thought I was gonna choose just one favourite but that's not possible." Ooh this will be interesting!!
"I have decided the best were the gang's!!" We all high five while others give us death glares. And yes Tori does call us the gang as she's the "cool teacher" .
The bell rings and we head off the gym. The cheer team don't have to change as we are practicing for tonight. The football team is practicing as well, so everyone who has this period and isn't on either team gets a free period.
As I'm walking with Chris to the field Lauren and Nita come up to us.
"Oh look there's the amazing cheer captain and co captain." Nita says sarcastically, we just roll our eyes.
"Hey Nita look at her neck. Is that a hickey?" Lauren scoffs.
"No way. Uriah would never go near her." I'm so used to this that I don't shred a tear. Like I said this morning, I feel like a new better person.
"Why are you even in that uniform?" Lauren stands with her hand on her hip.
"The same reason you are, dummy." I reply.
"Oh I'm so hurt." She fake cries and Nita rolls her eyes at us.
"What she means is. Why are you in that when you look so fat and ugly?"
Why that hurt. I haven't been called that in ages. It brings back memories.
"Excuse me. Bitch please she looks amazing in that uniform! Haven't you seen all the boys drool over her or you blind from your own ugliness?" Christina stands up from me.
They walk away, obviously not smart enough to create a come back.
"Thanks Chris." I say as we continue walking.
"It's my job as your bestie and they need to be slapped." She smiles at me and then starts running to the field. I start running after her and I catch up to her.
"Ladies we will be practicing for tonight. Tris go ahead." Tori nods at me to get started.
We do some stretching and then go over our routine. The music sound awesome and the choreography is dynamite!

*Before Game!*

The girls are over at my house getting ready for the game. The gang is coming over after for some games!
Christina is doing my makeup while Marlene is fixing up my hair.
When they are finally finished I look in the mirror. For my makeup Christina gave me a black and red smokey eye, a little bit of red glitter on my eyelashes, blush and dark red lipstick.
Marlene straightened my hair again and then put it up in a high pony tail with my bow.
Everyone's done and we still have a while before the game.
"So Tris, we all know that's not a bruise." Shauna says slyly.
"Sooo what happened. We want all the details!!" Christina squeals.
"Not every detail!" Lynn emphasis 'every'. We laugh.
"Well Uriah wouldn't let me in the shower unless I let him in too......"
I tell them the story, well not the WHOLE story but most of it.
We head off to the game in my red Lamborghini as the girls insisted we keep to the school colours.

It's half time and we're winning 24-12. It's now time for our routine, before going on I give Uriah a quick hug and kiss as he wishes me good luck.
Tori wanted me to make the routine more sassy and modern so I've added more hips, butt and a lot of surprises.
"D.A.U.N.T.L.E.S.S F.L.A.M.E.S!" I yell as the captain.
"Dauntless flames!" Christina yells as co captain.
The music starts and so do we.


Some moves (just add random ones)

The crowd goes wild.
"Dauntless flames!"
"Dauntless flames!"
"Dauntless flames!" We jump around and skip off. I stop as we pass the football team.
"You looked amazing babe." Uri says and gives me kiss.
"Thanks but don't get to distracted." I wink as I walk away and see him smirk.
Later on after the game (which we won) we head off to my house and play candor or dauntless, never have I ever, spin the bottle and seven minutes in heaven.

Sorry about all the time lapse😶
Tris' makeup up top or side💁🏼
Hope you enjoyed😙

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