Love Disorder Ch.1

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Being 18 and still enjoying a quiet night by myself while stargazing was ultimately my favourite thing to do. I enjoyed the unknown ever since I was able to think. I was definately a sucker for cliches.

I enjoyed the romantic cliches the best! My favourite one of them all will have to be the 'kiss in the rain'. The only irony of this fact about me is that I have never had anyone to do it with.

NO!! Im not a sad and lonely girl awaiting her knight in shining armour. I am not ugly either if that is what you were thinking, Im not implying that I look like Angelina Jolie neither. Im more of a happy inbetween.

I am 5;6 in height, I have big hazelnut coloured eyes and brunette hair with a tint of a curl here and there. I think Im going into a little bit more detail then I should!?!

Anyway, Ive had to turn down multiple guys and some I even thaught that I could mess around with so people wouldnt think I was a complete loser. I was known as the 'All look but no touch' not that I minded it one bit because I liked my private bubble unpopped and spending my lone time.....well........Alone.

My friends being the people they are, most likely think that Im a bit of a slut when it came to flings because Ive had a bit more than I thaught I ever would. But Im not, so I dont understand  why I care what people think about me?!


I walked into my classroom like usual, my heaphones on and my bag dangling off my right shoulder. My friends weren't in my class due to the fact that they were like nerd Queens in our grade and were moved to the first class where the teachers pets, know-it-alls and of course the nerds are all found.

I walked into class and sat down next the two guys in our whole class that were fit enough to talk to. I had nothing against them other than the fact that we couldnt have been more opposite than night and day.

"Why the long face Kate? Did the snobs get to you this morning?" Cody asked in the most sarcastic way he could prosper.

"Yes, I just dont think you worthless peasants should be allowed to talk to me, so be off with you!" I replied trying to play alomg.

"Oh hail the almighty goody-two-shoes" Kyle said with the biggest smirk he could possibly ever make

Just before I managed to answer Kyle, "Alright class, see I know its been a long Holiday and you are dieing to hit those books as soon as you can but today we were informed that schools been cancelled for your grade,but only for two days so I want to see all of you back here on Wednesday! Ill give you all 30 min to call your parents to leave me in piece."

"Now we are talking" I heard Cody say as he reached for his suitcase and signalled for us to follow him. Kyle soon found himself behind the ever excited Cody while I awaited the three Nerdy musketeers that I funnily enough adored to bits.


Love Disorder (GXG) (Sexual Content)Where stories live. Discover now