Love Disorder Ch.12

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She closed the door and desperately started kissing me and I returned the favour but wanted her to basically want it more than anything in the world so I stopped and placed her on the bed.

"Kiss me!" She begged for it now so, holding in the temptation to just take her, I slightly grazed her top lip with my tongue as she leaned forward to get more from me but with no luck.

"Oh common.....two seconds ago you wanted to fuck my brains out now youre just toying with me!" She seemed a little pissed.

"Im teasing you! I dont want anything more than to fuck your brains out right now baby!" I said seeming concerned as to how she didnt know what teasing was.

"Oh, Im sorry Im just really uhm- uh-........wet right now and I just really wanted you to do something about it Im sorry." She was embarrassed and shy and just more adorable than ever. She got out from underneath me and started buttoning up her shirt when I got up and stopped her from buttoning, "Where do you think youre going?....... Why would you think that I wouldnt do something about it?" She paused and looked straight into my eyes with a single tear drop from her cheeks. "Look at me! No ones ever loved me, why should I believe that suddenly you will?" A few more started to drop before I wiped them away as best I could.

"Aaawww baby! Thats so not true, and I really do love you you know. More than anything! Ill prove it to you." I put my hands on her waist and placed her onto the bed. I kissed her while unbuttoning her shirt again this time throwing it accross the room when I was done.

"Kate....." she whispered into my ear. "Yeah?" I asked curiously. "Stop......" she nugged at me. I thaught she was just messing around so I started kissing her neck when she pulled away and covered herself in embarrassment. "Whats up with you?-...oh shit! Sorry Wendy we didnt know youd be back!" My face was flushed in embarassment but also pride because Wendy now saw this side of me and I could show off my girlfriend....okay sorry if that made like 0 sense but it made sense at the time.

"No..Im sorry Kate, I just left my jacket was all but I dont need it! Sorry......" she turned her head and shut the door.

"Why did she single you out? And why the hell would she get her jacket from your room?" I sensed jealousy as Lex said that.

"She didnt single me out, and she only came to fetch her jacket from my room because she is Markus girlfriend and stays in my room until they leave next week. Plus she is bi-sexual and she knows youre my girlfriend anyways, she didnt mind us being together."
I tried explaining so she would calm down.

"Oh! Wait......she is bi-sexual and you and her share the same room?!" Again with the questions geeezzzz.

"We can share the same room without fucking eachother you know? Besides, she has Markus and doesnt give a rats ass about me anyway." Feeling Lex relax into my chest.

"You better not be lieing! I still dont like you two sharing the same room." She puts her arms around me and shoves me onto the bed, "Its seriously nothing! And if you want Ill sleep on the couch." I didnt want to but if it made my Lex feel better than I would jump off a plane if she asked me I falling inlove with her? Damnit!!

"I believe you. No need to sleep on the couch but your totally inviting me over tonight so that I can keep an eye on her." She gave my lips a peck and smirked.

"Youre so fucking sexy, you know that!" I pulled her ontop of me and started kissing her playfully when we heard Markus and Ashton walk in. "Youve got to be kidding me!" I said as we both seperated and Lex put on her shirt. "Kate! You here?" I heard Ashton shout out as Lex just finnished zipping her pants up. "Here." I replied so they dont think Im gone. "Were home! Is Wendy here?"

Love Disorder (GXG) (Sexual Content)Where stories live. Discover now