Love Disorder Ch.19

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Okay so it's been centuries I know but I'm finally updating, sorry for the wait. <3


As soon as we got home Lex was quiet and she seemed confused.

"Lex. Everything alright?" I was actually quite afraid shed say nothing at all. I still need to know everything about why she was gone, what happened during that time, if she was seriously okay...

"Mmhm, everything is just fine please take me to the room and sleep with me, I want to feel you close to me for a while." How could I say no to that? I mean it's all I've wanted from the very beginning.

I lifted her out of the wheelchair and placed her into the bed and tucked her in hugging her tightly but not enough to hurt her. I feel hurt, I hate how she won't tell me what happened or what she went through.



"Please talk to me..." I was very concerned at this point. She smiled but through the cuts and bruises, I look into her eyes, but I have to ignore the blue around it.

"I am talking to you baby, what do you want to know?" She said it so calmly as if she hasn't been missing for weeks and she didn't look as though a car had ridden her over.

"You were gone, you're hurt and you wouldn't even tell the doctors, please tell me what happened."

"I don't want to talk about that right now but I will soon I promise, I'm really tired please hold me." And so holding her I did, but I still have so many god damn questions. I need answers.


She's always so soft and easily fit between my arms. I just stare at her, tears forming at my eyes as I look at her bruised face.

"Baby! Why are you crying? Is everything okay?" she looks so scared, I wonder if she felt scared during whatever made her bruised like that...

"Please talk to me..." Letting the tears trail down my cheek.

"I am talking to you silly, now stop crying." Wiping away my tears she's smiling, not something I've seen in a really long time so I enjoyed the sight.

"You know what I mean..." Her smile goes away, it's replaced with an expression I don't know how to describe.

"I don't like when you persist on things, just let me breathe." I didn't mean to offend her, I just care a bit too much about why shes in the pain she is in. She tried getting up with her crutches but she kept wobbling, before I even noticed she fell to the ground sobbing. I jumped out of bed and down to where she was holding her face to see if shed say something.

"Baby, you should just ask me to get something for you or let me atleast help you to where you want to go." I lifted her into my arms bridal style when she started crying more than before and put her arms around my neck and her face between them. I walked to the kitchen and put her on top of the table so she's be level with my sight.

"I missed you,,,so fucking much.." she tried to stop her crying while looking at me. She is such a beautiful cryer... I lost me train of thought so much that I got surprised when her lips smashed against my own. She kissed me abruptly and very fast, I tried to keep up but it seemed o become a struggle. I needed to have a bit of control so I pulled her closer to me.

Its been some time since we've kissed, like really kissed. I was enjoying it, I swear her crying stopped instantaneously as we started kissing which is probably why she did it in the first place was my thought that was traveling inside my head as she continued fighting with my lips. She continued getting closer and closer to me even though we were already collided.

"K-Kate.." she breathlessly said into my ear as soon as we needed a breather from our heavenly session.

"I'm here" I kept thinking that she wanted closure, she needed to know that this is real and that I'm not going anywhere or atleast I did, so i tried reassuring her.

Instead of responding to me, she slipped her hand onto my zipper and opened it. I couldn't even say anything before her hand found its way inside my pants and trailed itself against me.

"Lexie, I-I... don't.." She started biting my neck until I was swept into her scent and how weak my knees were as soon as her pace and pressure increased. I had no control anymore, my body took over and thrusted into her while letting out sounds that motivated her into getting more out from me. It all escalated too quickly and I didn't know how to react.

"Please let me in. Please.." I wanted her to take everything from me, but I saw an opportunity and I took it. I moved away from her leaving her breathlessly confused.

"I need you to let me in, I can't keep pretending that this is okay. Because it's not Lexie, it's not. And even if it's hard or you don't want to, you have to let me in." She put her head down as if ashamed then looked back up to me catching her breath.

"Take me to the couch please,,," lifting her into my arms and down onto the couch I sat next to her holding her hand to make sure she knows it's out of love, not because I'm mad or upset.

"I know you want to know what happened, I understand. I just can't seem to find the words to say anything or look you in the eyes if I do find them." She was hurt I can see that. She wouldn't look me in the eyes despite my best efforts which made it sink in as to how serious this could be.

"Lex, I know it's hard but I need you to trust me." She looked up at me for a split second then nodded ever so subtly as she looked back down.

"I do." She took deep breath and tried hiding a tear that escaped her eye.



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