Love Disorder Ch.13

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"Kate." She knocked this time just to make sure.

"Come in Wendy!" Lex covered herself with the blanket and held my hand underneath it. I really hated Wendy right now but I had to keep my cool.

"I uh- I just wanted to know if Im still sleeping here tonight or if I should sleep somewhere else..?" She seemed embarrassed and didnt want to intrude on us so I felt less mad at her.

"Uhm......did you speak to my mom yet?" I was hoping to have Lex all to myself to be honest.

"She told me to ask you." She felt even more embarrassed now so I told her that she could still sleep here tonight with me and Lex.

Lex gripped my hand tighter when I said yes. Wendy went into the bathroom and as soon as we heard the shower go on Lex turned to me. "Oh common! I cant touch you when she's here!" She crossed her arms and then turned her whole body away from me.

"I know baby, I know! I cant touch you either but I cant be rude to her, my mom gave me her as my responsibility" I put my hands on her waist and scooched over to her. She at first tried to get away but I quickly placed her onto the bed and started tickling her. "No fair! No fair!" She said as she tried to stop me.

I stopped tickling her and instead kissed her which was meant to be a playful kiss but she wanted more. She pulled me closer and I granted her access because I never passed the opportunity to kiss her, she did the tongue thing that I LOVED!

I didnt even try to stop the moan from comming out. The shower had switched off so Lex stopped, "God you turn me on so bad!" To which my body replied....Fuck me please, but I didnt dare say it because Wendy had just exited the bathroom and sat down at the end of my bed.

"Yeah, I like that one too!" Wendy said as she continued brushing her hair.

"One what?" Confused because she said it so randomly. Lex, which was still in the same position as before, sat up.

"Laptops still on!" She smirked and giggled. My face went a little pale, SHIT!! The fucking laptop...

"Oh........Shit!" Lex said as we both looked at eachother.

"Dont stress, its just porn!" Wendy stopped brushing her hair and closed the Laptop.

"Sorry, we were uh-" I hesitated before Wendy stopped me in my speech.

"Please spare me the details will ya?" She laughed, she was enjoying this we could see.

"Ha-ha.....Fine but lets forget this ever happened! So was the park?" I tried to change the topic. "I was there for approximately 5 minutes but it wasnt bad I guess." Lex seemed zoned out so I kissed her on the cheek and said I need to shower. "Well, Markus should take you sometime, Its actually really fun!"

"Sure, Ill ask." Wendy replied.

I didnt want things to be too awkward between Lex and Wendy so I looked at Lex and very shyly and calmly asked her if she wanted to join me. She looked at Wendy to see how she would act but she was to busy on her phone to pay attention to anything.

"Yeah, sure." I could see her blush all the way from here. It was soo cute. I know that we coudnt have shower sex because of Wendy so this wont be easy, I mean having Lex stand naked right next to me and not do anything about it would be torturous!

She held my hand and as I closed the door she made little circles in my palm, which I think was because she was shy.

"You okay? You dont actually have to shower with me if you dont want!" Inside I was basically begging her to join me though.

"Its cool. I can shower with you but no promises that I wont touch." Instead of giving me smirk like she was just teasing she looked very serious which actually made me want her more.

"Oh- okay." Knowing that one of us had to initiate it I took off my shirt and as I saw her face, her eyes popped and I could already see that she didnt JUST want to shower, technically neither did I but its all we could do really.

I pulled down my PJ short pants and I wanted to tease her even more, I enjoyed watching her become desperate! I faked not being able to untie my bra just to ask her to help me, damn Im subtle sometimes!

"Ye- yeah sure." She untied it and hesitated pulling it off so I did She stood in awe as if it was worth looking at.

"Wow! You never told me that you were hot!" She put her hands on my waist, got closer to me and started moving her hands up my stomach to my chest and squeezed lightly which made me moan a little then pull away before I got too tempted. My breasts have always been sensitive and Ive never had anyone touch them before so it was very intense.

"Sorry baby, I just cant help it! You might want to shower with panties on because I might just loose it!" I saw her hand get really close to her privates and I felt bad for letting her torture herself over me and me over her too.

"I wont be able to handle it either so maybe I should shower first then dress then you can go okay." I wanted to punch myself for suggesting it but I knew that it was for the best.

"Mmhm." I went into the shower and pulled my panties off there and aimed and threw it into the laundry basket. "Good shot." She giggled.

"Thanks, Ive been practising." Laughing too now.

We had finnished showering and went into the bedroom where Wendy lay fast asleep under the covers. Seeing Wendy sleeping I leaned into Lex and kissed her all while she pushed me against the wall and slid her knee inbetween my legs forcing me to open them and submit to the pleasure but stopping her when Wendy started moving, "get a room." Wendy threw a pilow at us causing us to laugh. Wendy joined in soon after. We cuddled up and fell asleep hornier than ever but filled with lust and passion.


Lex!! You better be reading this and tell me if I got all the facts right XD

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