Love Disorder Ch.11

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I woke up to Wendy's face closer than it should be and my arm around her waist. I realized the position I was in and slowly but surely moved away and out of my bed, "Morning." Wendy said as soon as she heard me hit my toe on the side of my bedtable and silently saying 'fuck'.

"Morning, sorry that table came out from nowhere!" I suddenly felt better now that she was up and I didnt have to creep around like a poorly trained spy.

"Hate it when that happens! Also me and a few friends are watching a movie tonight and Markus thaught it be best to invite you along, you in?" I was still half asleep but the question surely did the trick. "I mean sure if I wont be a too much of a bother or fuss."

"Awesome! Im going to take a shower and stuff see you downstairs for breakfast k?" I simply nodded and headed off downstairs where I found Ashton and Markus playing video games while trying their best not to mess the eggs and bacon over the controller. "Hey Kate!" They said at the same time so they seem less rude.

"Hey." I sat inbetween them with my head on Markus lap and feet on Ashton's. They didnt seem to mind much, still fixated on the game as Markus passed me my serving and I was almost done when Wendy kissed Markus on the forehead then semi-wrestled me making Ashton loose the game. I actually found it funny and playful yet still slightly annoying. "Damnit!" Ashton said as his screen said 'game over' and went back to the main screen. "Its cool Ash, next time but we probably should go now anyway." Markus replied as he picked up his bag and tapped Ashtons shoulder to get him to come along faster.

"Hold on! Where to?" I said probably sounding a bit too motherly for anyones taste.

"just going skateboarding with a few friends is all.......MOM!" Ashton teased as he and Markus walked out the door leaving Wendy all alone with me.

"Guess your the unlucky girl left to put up with me I guess." Wendy said right after causing me to laugh at her.

"That would be me." Trying to go along with it. I actually thaught about spending the day with Lex, especially after what had happened last night. "Is it cool if I invite a friend over aswell?" Hoping she wouldnt have a problem.

"What, getting tired of me already? Just kidding, its totally cool!" Wendy said as she walked towards the kitchen holding out her cellphone that just started ringing. I didnt even respond to her before sending a text to Lex saying 'come on over please, I need you!' This time actually trying to sound desperate. She sent one back saying, 'Sure thing babes, be there in a few'.


Me and wendy were watching a comedy show when we heard Lex knocking on the door. "Its a robber!" Lex said just before I opened the door with open arms because Ive missed her so much. "Your very good I must say, you didnt even realize that you stole my heart baby." I whispered softly so Wendy wouldnt hear. "Such a cliche." She stated as she kissed me on the cheek and then slowly backed away when seeing Wendy in the corner of her eye. "Hey, Im Wendy. You must be....."

"Hi, sorry I would be Lex." I just realized in that moment that Wendy knew that Lex was my girlfriend. SHOOT ME!

"Okay, now that everyone knows everyone I was actually going to put on a movie anyone in?" Wendy said as she went to the player and put in an unknown disk. "I dont think we have a choice now do we?" Lex said as she closed the door, held my hand and pulled me to the couch where she placed her head into my shoulder and her hand on my stomach. I wanted this so bad that it felt like we've done this plenty times before.

"Okay, but its pretty scary so hold onto your panties okay!" Wendy said.

The movie started and Wendy had just closed the curtains and sat down on the couch opposite us, she is honestly the best third wheeler yet! The beginning just had a few jump scares and stuff and everytime it did, Lex would put her head by my neck to hide away which made me want something more from her but I kept myself under control.....or did I? I realized that my hand had found its way inbetween her thighs making her gasp then slowly turn to look at me. "Not now baby, we cant." She whispered.

"Sorry, Im just feeling things right now is all." Trying to make her feel more comfortable again then putting my hand back on my lap.

"Aaawww, its okay. If its under any consideration, I always feel things when Im with you but I just dont have a way of showing it." She went back into her position she was in but left me drooling and wanting to jump her guns.

"You guys alright?" Wendy asked as she tilted her head around to see us.

"Yeah Yeah, just talking." Lex replied while everyone went back to watching the movie except me, that was focusing on every inch of Lex that I could see.

By the time the movie ended my body spoke for itself and I was trying not to show it. Wendy got another call now and went into Ashtons room to answer it leaving us alone for a while. I took her into the kitchen, put her ontop of the table and started kissing her on the neck and collarbone. "Whats gotten into you?" She said softly while closing her eyes with enjoyment.

"You dont even know what you do to me!" I looked at her face which was filled with lust and perfection then bit her lip slowly then soon after her lips crashed onto mine I pulled away. "Feel..." I said as I grabbed her hand then put it down my pants slowly so as not to make me orgasm right there. "No one! I mean no one, makes me this wet!" She moaned a little then whispered in my ear, "please take me to your room baby! I want to fuck you." Ive never heard anyone say that to me never mind Lex! So many things were going on in my head at that moment but it was all interupted when Wendy walked in on us. "Sorry, dont mean to be a buzzkill but I just wanted to say that I have to go and meet Markus at the park now so raincheck on the movies tonight?" I have totally forgotten about that actually and all I could think about was Lex right now. "Yeah Yeah sure no problem, do your thing have fun!" I really just couldnt wait for her to leave to be honest. She walked out with her car keys and as she closed the door Lex grabbed my arm and pulled me into my room.....


Really starting to like the blue balls effect, sorry have to actually sleep early for once so next chapter will be out tomorrow. Thanks for the support as usual and if you have any questions ask away in my PM's. :) <3

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