Love Disorder Ch. 7

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I felt a hand holding mine and and someone speaking under their breath. I opened my eyes to see my mom and Ashton standing on the side of my hospital bed, "Sweetie, your awake! You've just come out of surgery and the doctors say that you'll be okay."

Struggling to make out wether I had two moms and two brothers I managed to say something to the extent of.."Oh, so Im not dead....?" And right after my brother gave me a noogie and said, "Yeah, she'll be alright." I seemed actually quite fine considering the whole eventfull day Ive just had, well I sure hope its been only a day.

"Ma! Wheres Lex?" Suddenly realizing and remebering everything that had happend before now. "Oh we sent her home. She was by the waiting area for about a whole 17 hours until we decided she had had enough, shes a very good friend Kate...a keeper." She seemed very serious when she said that which made me question whether she knew about my feelings toward her. As impossible as that sounds, I asked my mom if I could go home, to which she replied with a simple yes and showed me my bag and a set of clothes she picked out for me.

I couldnt help but want to see Lex again especially after what she did for me, and how long she waited for me.....I wonder if she really cared about me? By the time my mind was done trying to question everything I had finnished changing and exited the bathroom I was helped into a wheelchair, which I found very useless but did it because it was protocol, and we got into the car and we were on our way home.


"So, we heard a bumper cart fell ontop of you." Ashton remarked while slurping a smoothie to add effect to it. "Yes, it was heavier than it looked might I add." Trying not to sound like too much of a whimp.

"Well, youre alive and survided to tell the tale." One could say that...

"Where's dad?" Knowing that he was probably working as usual. "Oh, dads busy working a late shift so he told us to tell you that he hopes your well." Ashton couldnt seem more irritated and to be honest I wouldnt blame him. My dads never really around which makes me and Ashton wonder if he is cheating on our mom but we let it subside because he makes her happy.


I immediately crawled into bed as soon as we got home and, I was ready to sleep until I turned 30. I was fast asleep when I felt a cold something find its way on my head.

I immediately sprung up and was about to scream when I found my face inches away from Lex. "Sorry, I didnt mean to startle you. I just wanted to help....your mom let me stay with you while her and Ashton go and find your dad." I was not complaining..

"No, Its okay, I was just having a scary dream was all." Lieing yet still feeling better because I made Lex feel a bit more at ease. I lay back down realizing I had no shirt on for some reason, making me quickly pull up the covers and apologize. "Im sorry I didnt realize." Lex said while turning her head away in embarassment.

"I dont remember having no shirt, but its fine silly....... Can you perhaps get me one from my draw?" My face became flushed. "Sure." I watched as she got up to find one. I couldnt help but realise how beautiful she was, her high waist jeans that were perfectly skinny and a crop top revealing the middle part of her flawless back. She always wore clothes that complimented her complection and curves. I think I might have been staring a little too long because the next thing I heard was, "my eyes are up here." I saw Lex looking at me and giggling a little realizing that Ive been observing her. "Thanks." My already flushed face becoming more flushed yet taking the shirt and slipping it on without looking like an idiot.

"Its on backwards silly...." She came closer to me and slipped it off me. She put it the right way around while not taking her eyes off me, "Okay hands up." She seemed to be enjoying this a little too much, so when the shirt was on me I got up and pushed her up against the wall. I looked her in the eyes and kissed her with passion and force, to make it more intense I put my hands on her waist with bear skin that revealed itself because of the crop top while hearing a soft moan escape her mouth. We heard the door opening so we let go off eachother and struck the most natural pose we could think of.

"Hey girls, we have supper ready and we were wondering if you could join us Lexa? I spoke to your parents and they suggested you eat here and if you wanted you could sleepover too." Wanting to facepalm myself for having the most friendliest mother in the world "I hope I wouldnt be a bother miss Winchester?" Yes, my surname is Winchester but thats way off topic. I felt my heart drop when she accepted it.


Supper was awfully boring other than the fact that I got to watch Lex eat right opposite me and tease her a little about it.

I excused myself and Lex after our meal was completed and we felt satisfied. Ashton grabbed my arm and whispered into my ear, "Lexa is really hot! Hook me up would ya." He looked as if he was joking but also very serious. I just punched him in the shoulder and whispered back, "Shes taken dumbass, dont test your luck!" The last thing I wanted was my stupid brother ending up with Lex!!!

"What was that all about?" Lex asked. "Oh he just wanted to know how late we will be going to bed for some reason, no biggy......" Hoping she couldnt tell that I was lieing. "Oh." We walked upstairs and entered my room where my mom put a spare towel for Lex, Is it wrong to want to go in with her?.....probably a little too perverted I know..

"So, Should I take the first show-" She stopped me in my sentence. "What are we?" I grew afraid that she was going to give me the whole.......'Im straight and I dont like girls' but instead she asked after knowing that I needed more information to answer. "I mean like, Ive never had a girlfriend or boyfriend before but I really like you and I dont want us to ignore feelings that are here! So Kate..........will you uh-.........will you be my girlfriend?"

I became as red as a tamatoe, "Lex!! Are you serious because I really really like you too. Because in the chances that you are serious....Yes...Yes I do want to be your girlfriend!" Still blushing, I ran up to her and gave her a huge hug and she returned the favour by giving me a kiss on the cheek. "So its official! Your my girlfriend now Kate, but you will have to help me understand what girlfriends do because as you well know, Im new to the whole thing." She smirked and grabbed my ass in the attempt of teasing me. "Dont you worry, its simple." I kissed her and headed off to the bathroom, winking at her then shutting the door to be mysterious.....Man Im such a cliche, Perfect!

We both had showered and were inside my bed but this time when she lay down I kissed her and spooned her. She fell into me and played with my fingers until she fell asleep.


The views are increasing really well so Ill carry on writing. I know I say this all the time but thanks for all the love! <3 <3

Next chapter comming out tomorrow, stay tuned! ;)

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