Love Disorder Ch. 3

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I lead Lex into the bathroom and shut the door behind us. "Are you still feeling funny?" I asked her while scanning her for anything wrong.
"A little actually! Ive never felt like this before actually, but I dont think its a bad thing like a stomach ache or period cramps."

I started thinking about it and only caught on now."Lex, describe what you feel." I realized that she has never been exposed to any sexual content of any kind and she most probably got a little turned on was all. "I feel tingly-" I stopped her in her sentence and told her the brutal truth.

"Lex, you had me worried there! I think youve just been a little aroused is all, its not a bad thing its actually a very good thing, you must know what that means right?"

"I mean Ive never been aroused before but yes I do know what it means Kate, no need for the Birds and bees talk with me okay?" She said. But she couldnt keep a straight face while saying it. She has never spoken about sex to anyone so hearing it from her I got a few goosebumps, even though I dont understand why I found it all that interesting considering Im about the dirties person you'll ever have the chance to meet. "How could you never had possibly been aroused before?.....Not even when Zack put his hands on your inner thigh a while back, nevermind the fact that you basically pulverized him on the spot!?" I asked with concern and disbelief that she had never been aroused before.

"Well, I never found him be honest Ive never found any of the guys that flirt with me to be attractive for that matter, so how could I possibly get arouzed?" She looked as if she was questioning her own existence, so instead of letting her lose her mind I replied, "Well the movie sure did the trick I see."

"Kate its not funny! I dont even know what it means to be aroused, let alone how to stop so please dont make fun of me right now. Im confused."

"Its perfectly natural to get turned on sometimes Lex. And being aroused means simply that your body wants and is ready to have sex and, Im not saying you should do it/try it, but usually when someone wants to stop being turned on they either masturbate or have sex but eventually over time the feeling will subside dont worry!" Hugging her not caring that she was still turned on at the moment. Secretly I cant lie, I found it kinda sexy, the way she was so confused about being turned on and not knowing a thing about what to do about it.

"KATE!" She pushed me away after a few seconds into the hug. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPEND?" As I stood there not knowing why she would randomly push me away.

"I.....I dont think that's a great idea! Lets just go finnish the movie please?" She opened the door and sat down next to Amy and I joined soon after still puzzled.


There were a total of five times where I could see that Lex was either turned on or creeped out at how graphic it got. I felt a little wierd too but not because of the movie but because for some reason I enjoyed the idea of Lex being turned on. I kept telling myself that my hormones were just a little spiked, I mean I have only masturbated twice, both of which were about a few years ago so I knew that that had something to do with it.

When the movie had finnished Amy had to say a few sexy and dirty innuendos right before we had to shut her up and get ready for bed. There were two beds, one in Amy's room and another in the spare room. "Okay girls Im tired, so pick a partner and head off to bed, just remeber that we are sleeping in tomorrow so dont be an ass and wake up at 6:00 AM okay!" She walked over to her bed and crawled inside while Hannah ran off and joined her.

"I guess we are the lucky ones that get the awesome spare room, you comming?" I gestured to Lex as she slowly grabbed her luggage and followed me downstairs to the spare room. Cant lie it was pretty dark downstairs and seemed somewhat spooky. Lex grabbed my hand and crepped up a little closer for some comfort, so as scared as I was I just lead on as if I owned the place until we reached the spare room. I lay down my PJ's and turned around to see Lex unpacking some clothes into the drawer on her side of the bed. "Nice lace panties Lex, who are you trying to impress?" Asking but wondering why I was for some reason hoping it was me.

"Oh these old things, I dont even know why I braught them. Im so silly sometimes."

"Its seriously okay! You can even wear them tonight if you want me I dont judge." 'WHY DID I HONESTLY JUST SAY THAT?' why do I feel wonky? Im thinking too much......STOP THINKING SO MUCH KATE!!

"Seriously? Cause they are kinda seethrough but you do know I sleep with only underwear on, please tell me you dont mind cause I didnt bring any PJ's with."

OMG!! Seethrough?! Why do I wierdly want to see that?'......Im having a serious war inside my head right now... Why didnt I remember her telling me that she sleeps like that?

"NO, NO Lex its no biggy. Do what makes you comfortable, but No promises that I wont go all peeking Tom on you." I laughed and sat myself down on the bed while screaming inside, 'PEEKING FUCKING TOM ON YOU!' Who the fuck even says that? FML

I couldnt even think about it long enough when I was interrupted by Lex. She pulled down her skin tight jeans she had been wearing the whole night, revealing her sexy tanned legs and her amazingly HOT white panties that read 'Good girl ;)' they really made her ass look amazing the way that it creases just to show off some ass cleavage. I think Im about to loose it....why am I staring? Why am I going into so much detail? Why am I-

She pulls her top off and all I see are the most amazing boobs known to mankind! They are hidden by the also very white bra, but I managed to see her cleavage that could make an angel commit sin!

I dont know why Im feeling all these feelings! Ive just never seen Lex like this before. She grabbed her new lace pantie, her bra and a towel and headed off to the spare bathroom. "Ill be back just going to take a shower real quick." I felt myself grow a little fire inside my core when I saw her take off her bra from behind and shutting the door right after.


Hope my story is still as interesting as I first thaught it out to be! Thanks for all the love! <3

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