Love Disorder Ch. 15

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She had stopped shaking and slowly calmed down but I on the other hand was so hot for her and so filled with lust that I just couldnt take it.

"You alright baby?" I asked as her hand stopped clenching tight onto my arm and she opened her eyes that were still teary from before.

Her words couldnt form or something because all she did was nod and have after shocks that were by itself a major turn on!

I didnt even realize the fact that I was touching myself, nevermind that Lex had noticed it and took away my hand and replaced it with her own.

At first it felt as if Ive never been touched there before and suddenly a force like none other had started rubbing up against it leaving my body all tingly and my legs like jelly.

I collapsed and Lex turned me over and proceeded to touch me like before while trying not to use all her remaining energy at once.

"Can- can you do it faster...." Not even a second later her hands thrusting sped up and my whole face was numb yet still tingling. Every single sensation in my body was triggered and I just wanted to scream because I couldnt handle it all.

"Your soo fucking hot like this baby!" She said which only made things worse for me, Her words caused more sensation than her touch and the next thing I knew was that I screamt at the top of my lungs with climax and her lips pressed against mine so as not to wake up anyone else.

"You're driving me crazy.....I- I dont know what to do OMG!!" She sat ontop of my shaking, throbbing and lustful body and started grinding on my stomach.

"I- I think Im inlove with you.." My mouth, that I thought would never work again, blurted it out quicker than I could take it back. Her wetness all over my stomach.

"Your horny, I get it!" I grabbed her on the waist and pushed her onto the bed.

"Yes I am horny.....but only because Im madly and insanely inlove with you! Ive been inlove with you ever since our first kiss. Im not just being silly okay!" I kept my serious face until I thaught she believed me.

"I love you too-" Wendy banged on the door and asked us to open it.

"Ugh- just a second!" I fixed the bed as best I could and shoved Lex's PJ's on her then mine right after.

"Where uh- where have you been?" Lex asked trying to avoid any questions Wendy would most likely ask.

"You really wanna know?" Me and Lex staring her into her eyes more curious than before.

"Mark and I uhm....yeah, sorry for ditching so early but something tells me Im not the only one that got laid this morning! I mean you literally have your clothes on backwards." Teasing as usual, Lex's blush more prominent than mine.

"So, breakfast anyone?"

I pulled Lex to the kitchen and started getting out some eggs and the bacon as usual. We cooked and acted like an old married couple until Lex's parents came and fetched her.


"I cant stop picturing you naked now, you know that right?" She whispered in my ear as she hugged me at our school gate

"The curse of having sex Im afraid!" Trying to be the witty person Lex said she's always adored.

"I wouldnt say a curse exactly....well, if its you Im picturing that is!"

"That was so cheesy, I can smell it! But its a good thing I love you." I gave her a kiss and headed off to class.

"Hey!" I turned around.

Love Disorder (GXG) (Sexual Content)Where stories live. Discover now